Rather than give you any particular study advice, as many people have already given you some great tips, I just wanted to say that although I’m new to WK I passed the N2 with a limited amount of kanji burned to memory. I did study in college/grad school but I only studied the N3 総まとめ guides in preparation for N2 and managed to pass within a reasonable margin. It may have been a fluke! However, I did spend a lot of time outside of kanji/vocabulary which gave me a more contextual understanding. If you’re in the 40-50 range then you’re going to be in a great place when you test. If it were me I’d keep pressing forward but also look at other aspects of the JLPT i.e. make sure you have confidence in listening and grammar.
Yes, absolutely!
@Marccarac Thank you for your tipps. I will continue with WK. At the moment I have time and it works well. Good to know you did it even with an unconventional approach. Congratulations! I will soon hit lesson 40 and the next test I can apply for is in July 2019. So I guess I would get bored if I don’t continue…haha.
I was studying half year at a language school in Japan this year, so I am pretty confident in understanding. Still have to recap the grammar, but lessons and books already received. Thanks for the uplift! Take care!
I think you shouldn’t worry too much about JLPT levels and focus on getting better at overall Japanese instead, which means studying past level 40. As you get more fluent you will naturally be able to beat the levels.
I’ve never taken the JLPT but from the practice tests reading comprehension seems to be far and away the most important skill to passing the whole thing so I suggest you focus on becoming able to quickly read a lot of different material. The best way to be able to study various reading material is to be able to read kanji beyond what is required at the N2 level.
Hello Tom,
thank you, sounds like a good advice! Now I have studied 2/3 of the kanji, there is no point in giving up NOW… I practice reading lately and I challenge myself to use the reading ability on other material than Wani Kani. Sometimes I have the feeling my mind is so conditioned to WaniKani that I can read the stuff only when I see white characters on blue, purple or pink background…
haha. Therefore it’s really important to read as you say! I will do that even more!
Exactly what I’ve been doing
There’s no difference really, at least when considering the levels themselves. It’s been getting a bit harder for me simply because more and more reviews are piling up from the lower levels. If you take a short break from lessons when things get intense (review count-wise), and keep on doing reviews regularly, it should be fine.
Oh, one important thing is to be wary of the levels beyond 46 because they can be completed in 4 days if you blaze through. I don’t think this is a good idea because they contain the same amount of content as normal levels, so I still throttle them to 7 days at a minimum (I sometimes take a full week break from lessons between levels)
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