How paradisiacal is the PARADISE level?

@Ninkastmin: Good point, I didn’t know! I will consider it! :slight_smile:

@Alan234: Thanks, I don’t get it: Pamput said he is at level n5-n4? I didn’t read that… ?!?

@SunaCritter: Haha, true! :slight_smile:

@kylesama: it might seems so, even though I dont know digigathering… :smiley:

@StarMech: がんばってね!:slight_smile:

@Okanekure: Thank you. Yes, probably. But maybe its a paradise when you open a book or read subtitles and you can at least understand a little something… :smiley:

@kylesama: With the mentioned kanji and vocab combination I don’t have any problem. Specially because the meanings of the two single kanji also combine in the english translation more or less. 敬 respect + 語 talk makes 敬語 formal language. If you see only the first part don’t you remember the “formal” of “formal language”? I write my mnemonics all by myself, I barely use the ones from WaniKani. If you want I can write you down my mnemonic.

I don’t use mnemonics at all, its harder trying to remember a story that it is just remembering the kanji.
I basically just answer the reviews as they come up until I get it right; doing it all on its own is usually effective enough.

I’ve since guru’d 敬 anyway, its just that while I might be familiar with a specific word, when a kanji from that word comes up I can often get stuck on it, not realising what it is.

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@Sezme:thank you for answering the Paradise question! I agree, I can live with some more animals like a bee or firefly. The animals were quite ok to learn so far. I have the same feeling. Yeah, the paradisiacal probably refers more to the delight of being able to read more during 40-49. :smiley: I agree.

I have the same experience with the stories of Wanikani. They are often much too long to remember and IF I remember them I don’t know which word of the story was the word I should learn…:smiley: So I keep my own mnemonics extremely short and except of the word I should learn very simple, so I instantly know which one is THE word. Also my stories relate more to the way I think. Sounds pretty hard your way, but I admire it. Everyone has to find out the best way how to learn.
Talking about mnemonics made by WK, there are the ones which are just sounds like: Ohhh or Ahh or Wow or Yeah used by Wanikani to remember a reading. I wonder if anyone can remember which Ohhh or Ahh or Wow or Yeah is releated to the specific kanji / vocab… :smiley: I think it’s impossible.

Not really, it takes about a day of reviewing and getting kanji wrong before I start to get the reviews right.
Vocab is usually a 90% hit rate after I lean the kanji.
Its usually hardest when I start a level and have to remember 30 items but gets easier as the level progresses and the number of kanji I don’t know decreases.

I was referencing this

“Plus, a really good rule of thumb is to study for the jlpt above the one you are actually going to attempt.”

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Haha, ok! got it! :slight_smile:

The level names really don’t mean anything…
At level 46, all levels afterwards can be completed in half the time of a normal level. The workload greatly increases. It’s not what most would consider paradise. :stuck_out_tongue:
Levels 60-69 could be called “Kouichi’s Penthouse Nightclub” but we really wouldn’t be there.



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Doesnt stop me from being miffed about the forum thinking I am level 40 and thus not inviting me into the paradise only club :C

@SuperLuxDeluxe: No, no, that can’t be… the level names MUST mean something! :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t get it, you’re at level 46 but you say all level afterwards can be completed in half time but the workload greatly increases… doesn’t make sense. Maybe I don’t understand the joke… I am German native speaking… :smiley:
For now I skip Kouichi’s Penthouse Nightclub, although those might be the most important vocabs for Japan… ?!? :smiley:

For level 46 and onwards, there are few or no radicals.
There are few kanji for these levels that use the radicals learned in these levels.
In fact, it’s less than 10%, which means that you can attain 90% of kanji learned for a level without learning the kanji that require you learn the radicals first.
Since 90% is the target for going to the next level, you can pass the level without having to wait to learn the radicals and the kanji that require them.
So, the time to complete a level is cut in half.
However, there are still around the same amount of items to learn per level as in previous levels.
Hence, the workload for each level increases.

As far as the joke rtcmanga, there are no levels 60-69… yet. I’m just being silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@SuperLuxDeluxe: Thanks for the detailed explanation. I got it! :slight_smile: Makes sense now! Although learning the radicals was not the worst part… but it’s a relief that you can rely more on the things you already learned and even repeat the kanji meaning and on-yomi this way! :slight_smile:

I know there are no levels 60-69 yet. :slight_smile: I got that one… the level chart is already “burned” into my brains… :stuck_out_tongue:

Glass half full kinda person I see.

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