How many "KANJI" can you review per minute?

I’m a lot slower now that I use a boogie board during my reviews and learning new kanji. I write down the kanji once or twice while repeating the reading and meaning out loud. If I don’t remember right away, it’ll usually come to me while I’m writing it down.

It just sticks to my head better when I write it down for some reason, my accuracy went up from 75-85% to 90-95%. But now my review speed is about 2-3/minute. Also it helps me with similar-looking kanji since it forces me to look at the whole thing and write it down it with the correct stroke order so I have to slow down and not rush it.


I’m gonna start doing that (writing them down) again, I think.

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You take 25 seconds to write an answer?

That’s the average

I think I only get stuck in some answers and they spoil my entire review time

Where can I find it?

I’m not reading kanji outside the spaced repetition system.

Any recommendation for me?

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I don’t have any recommendations in particular as you should just do stuff that interests you, really. But I think there might be some guides about how to get into reading Japanese books on this forum somewhere

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Oh, me too man! You see, that’s just how it goes for reviews. And according to the heads at tofugu, the more pain you feel to do a review, the better, so I’d say you shouldn’t get mad at it.

Also, if you select the text someone typed, you’ll get a quote bubble. Use it so you don’t have to make 6 different replies.

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I did 489 reviews in 1hr 41mins so about 10-15 seconds per review. Sometimes I spend up to 5 mins on a single review if it takes a while to remember the mnemonic.

I like to make my own mnemonics most of the time, which are shorter and contain only the meaning + reading and maybe a few more words so they’re easier to remember.

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You learnin Chinese or something? :eyes:


I am a slow reader even in my own native language, let alone reading kanji :sweat_smile:

maybe 10 per minute

I’m just having a lot of fun with my IME lol


I’m not sure the average time spent on each question is of much value. I think the times should be bimodal: ideally, you answer 80% or more of the questions very quickly (at a glance), but you should spend more time reviewing your misses.

Time spent answering a question (vs. reviewing the correct answer when you miss) might be more useful.

“Bimodal” isn’t the whole story though: correct answers for items still in the apprentice stage will take longer than those you’ve already mastered because you will still be relying on mnemonic stories. After several days, weeks, or months of reviews for the same item, it should start to stick into long-term memory and you’ll begin to recognize it instantly.

Similarly, some incorrect answers require quite a bit more time than others as you’ll want to figure out why you couldn’t come up with the correct answer (or keep coming up with the same wrong one). Are you confusing it with another character? Are there any other visual queues you can use to distinguish it from other characters and aid your recall? Can you improve your mnemonic?

You’ll almost always want to spend at least a little time with misses to review the correct answer and try to get it into your head. The only exception really should be characters where you instantly realize that you’ve answered incorrectly for whatever reason (and you already know the correct answer). That should only happen when you’re moving too fast.

Personally, I like to keep my review sessions to under an hour or so, which for me means averaging around 150 reviews each day with 80+% accuracy.

I believe goal of the SRS is to get the items into long-term memory so you can recognize them instantly (at reading speed, without relying on mnemonic stories). IMO this requires missing the answer for items you find difficult so that you will review the harder items more often.

My advice is to almost always answer every question within just a few seconds (without guessing) but when you miss, spend some time reviewing the correct answer before going on to the next question. It’s okay (actually desirable) to occasionally take a bit longer when you think you know the answer but struggle to dredge it from your memory.

Even so, I think it’s a mistake to take too much time answering, no matter what. For me, I’d say 15 seconds or so is the max. If it takes me longer than that, then I don’t know the item, and extra reviews are warranted. I’ve developed the habit of typing “ke”/け for items I can’t answer quickly — it never matches anything. [*1]

Many here seem to think that “efficiency” on WK means few incorrect answers, “perfect” mnemonics, and struggling hard to recall every answer no matter how long it takes. To my mind, that’s exactly backward: the power of an SRS is that it automatically forces more frequent reviews of the items you find most difficult. More frequent reviews only happen if you answer those items incorrectly.

One well-known caveat is that moving too quickly is bad. My biggest irritation is when I start flying through my review session, instantly providing correct answer after correct answer and feeling like a Golden God (“This Japanese stuff is easy!”). Then I answer something I thought I knew incorrectly, seeing a flash of red when I expected green, but accidentally “coasting” into the next question before I can review my mistake. I have to wait for that item to come up again in the same review session before I can figure out what I got wrong. That’s additional mental baggage I could have avoided if I’d just slowed down a bit.

*1: I think I came up with “ke” as a mish-mash of Japanese ゲ like ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(きたろう) and “Que?” in Spanish — but it’s fast to type and hasn’t matched anything on WK yet!

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Depends on the reviews for the day. I typically try to type the first thing that pops into my head in the first few seconds. If I get it wrong, I look at the right word and figure why I got it wrong(visually similar kanji, unusual reading, etc.) and try to spend some time to better learn it.

Typically, I do about 90 reviews per hour, with time being spent on the ones I get wrong. If I’m over-caffeinated, that number is around 170 per hour. No caffeine, it’s about ?? per hour.

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2 answers I’m assuming. Each reviewed item will need both a meaning and a reading answer.

Everyone reviews at different speeds. Some recall both meaning and reading when answering either, some order the reviews to always get reading-meaning in order so they only have to recall the item once and then give both answers. Some people recite mnemonics, some people write the items down.

Around level 15-16, according to the heatmap I averaged almost 30 mins for 100 reviews. Because I currently only have burns and leech reviews left, I’ve slowed to about 49 minutes for 100 reviews. But then again I never reach 100 reviews per day anymore.

I’m personally not worried about speed during reviews. Speed comes with reading practice. WK for me is only meant to allow me to get through Japanese text without constantly having to look up kanji (I still have to look up words, but that’s less effort if you already recognize the kanji and know some of their readings).


Probably…I don’t even use mnemonics but I feel if im trying to recall one, it would definitely slow me down.

I feel mnemonics end up crippling me personally. I might use something to help me remember a kanji for example I just learned 整 and to help me remember the reading i see 正 at the bottom of the kanji and know the reading is せい for the whole kanji since the reading for 正 is せい but I dont do actual mnemonics lol

For me its just memorization but instead of the normal memorization where you drill it in by trying to go over a word countless times, the SRS helps the memorization stay in my brain with or without mnemonics.

I put on a stopwatch once, if I really focus I can do like 150 in about 25 minutes s

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Personally, I prefer to go straight to the next question and save this for the final results page at the end. That’s where I’ll spend time going over misses.

But other than that, I agree with the rest. :smiley::+1:

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Interesting! That approach makes sense, but I don’t think I have the discipline. When I get my review count to zero I want a reward! (I feel like I’ve just crossed the finish line and at least deserve a break before possibly doing some lessons, if not another cup of coffee).

If I didn’t review my mistakes as I went, I think they’d weigh on me.

I’m constantly amazed at the different approaches.

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