How do/did you learn Japanese?

What book is that?

I would suggest using KaniWani at the same time. That helps with word recall when youā€™re in a conversation. Also, I would recommend, a site you can use to read at varying levels (not to mention, because it was made by a fellow Crabigator worshipper, you can input your API key from WK). Thereā€™s also NHK Easy, and my favourite, animelon, where you can watch anime with Japanese, English, and romaji subtitles (you can choose which).

Personally, I learned Japanese listening to Living Languages, though. Itā€™s wonderful and indispensable. Seriously, it helped me so much.

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Did you start using Kaniwani from the start? I didnā€™t, and Iā€™m seriously regretting it now that Iā€™m talking with language partners. I want to start but Iā€™m overwhelmed with how much ground I have to coverā€¦

I didnā€™t, either, and too regret it. But then, I regret not going ahead with WK when I made an account in 2013. As it is, though, I donā€™t have enough time to do both WK and KW, so I have to wait until I take the JLPT this July, when Iā€™m no longer studying so much every day (ironically), to start back up on KW.


One option with the KW configuration is to only do reviews there for words that youā€™ve burned here on WK. That way you get a fairly slow, steady trickle of material over there and youā€™re not overwhelmed with 15 levels worth of words.


The standard setting is what @SleepyOne said, plus the current level. That is, KW takes the active items from your current level = those you have done the lessons for, plus the one you burned from previous levels. If you donā€™t have burned items yet (or few of them), it wonā€™t be overwhelming at all.

I started KW maybe two weeks ago, and itā€™s actually nice.

Oh! So I can do both recent items and burned items by default? I went into the setting to change to only burned items.

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Well, thatā€™s what I am doing.
You can also manually unlock some level or item.
I feel itā€™s nice to use it for the current level, so that progress on both sides are mirrored. At the same time, getting burned items means I will eventually get everything, but slow and steady rather than all at once.

This one. I believe they make a problem book for each level.

Itā€™s been a great help preparing for the test. Itā€™s also structured in a way that recommends a certain amount of problems per day, then a review day, and encourages you to go back through each section after youā€™ve finished the book once (there are spots to record whether you got a question right the first time through, the second time through, and the third).

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I actually originally learned Japanese by mashing my face head-first into light novels armed with only Excel documents and Rikai-chan on Firefox. It was a slow and tedious process, but, even now over half-way through kanji, Iā€™ve learned the meanings of more kanji from my raw translating than I have from WK so far.

As youā€™re already taking steps to learning Japanese outside of that, you are a much more intelligent person than I was! However, donā€™t disregard attempting. While I donā€™t recommend trying to immediately read an entire novel series (unless you happen to have a huge amount of free time and great patience), but I do recommend buying at least one light novel and setting a goal for yourself.

Translating a single sentence a day can be highly beneficial not only to learning kanji and vocabulary, but also grammar. At first, youā€™ll definitely have to use electronic assistance (likely an e-dict and Google translate), but if you take the time to research why a sentence is the way it is, youā€™ll learn grammar more quickly and deeply than any SRS or blog post can teach you.

Due to its character-based nature, it is possible to be able to translate Japanese (visuals) without being able to read any of it aloud (sounds), but that ability should only be used as a basis to attempt early translating while you learning the meanings, readings, and grammar points properly through other resources.

As a fellow LN reader and hobbyist translator, I wish you smooth learning!

N4, N3, and N2 grammar and dokkai books.

Just sped through N4 though since a lot it is taught in Genki 2, and Iā€™m not finished with N2.


Hi, yes I do, Iā€™m a premium member, and I would say itā€™s worth it. The part of Japanese I struggle with the most is listening/speaking just like you, and this is invaluable to helping that. I donā€™t know about the Premium-plus beyond that, personally I donā€™t see that as being worth it, but maybe it is for you.

Hope this helps

Did you ever try the listening comprehension books? If so Iā€™m curious why youā€™re not using it anymore.

No, listening is my strong point so I didnā€™t bother to. I have the N2 Choukai, but I havenā€™t tried it yet

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This is a bit of a late response, but Iā€™m interested in getting that mirrored progress on Kaniwani. I currently have my reviews to burned items only, but I also want to be working on my level 16 reviews and canā€™t unlock any 16 items with burned only enabledā€¦

Do I just have to go down to apprentice and pick and choose what items to unlock?

Iā€™m not sure. The setting was like that when I started. I didnā€™t touch anything.
I guess you could put it to ā€œdefaultā€? Not sure.

Shoot. I donā€™t seem to have a default option. Thank you for responding! Iā€™ll see if I can figure it out. :slightly_smiling_face:

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They are pretty reactive in the KW thread on the forum. You will probably have more luck if you ask there. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the suggestions! Iā€™m just catching the KW thread and it address the issue I have with WK. floflo looks great as well and Iā€™ve been using NHK easy lately. Iā€™ve been studying for a while and Iā€™m completely new to all these wonderful resourcesā€¦glad I left the cave.

I have to wonder how animelon is free.It has a library selection similar to crunchyroll. The kana selection is super useful.

Was wondering the same thing. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not 100% legal what theyā€™re doing. But I hope Iā€™m wrong.