How do you recommend doing lessons?

I was doing it exactly this way until I got to level 10, where it hits you with 130 lessons at once. After 30 I was fried and running away from my computer

I’m having to pace out lessons for the first time. Interesting how the experience varies by level


It ramps up quickly, but if you’re alright with doing 1500ish reviews a week (because that is what it will look like at lvl 20ish), go for it. I’m fine with it, and doing it.


Sorry if this has already been said, but the way I saw it, the best strategy was to do 10 lessons everyday no matter what. Unless you trip over and let your review pile get abnormally huge, then it would make sense to clear that before.

Yeahh, I also prioritize getting my radicals and kanji done as quickly as possible, and then spreading out the vocab over the three days that I’m learning them. I don’t mind doing ~40 lessons in one go, but 130 is a bit much haha

Thanks for the heads-up! I think that I’ll be able to manage that, especially since a lot of those reviews will be items that I should be very familiar with at that point

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this part “10 lessons everyday no matter what” is not good at all. Unless you are a speedrunner and it is up to the user this approach.

Soon you will be overhwelmed with a huge pile of reviews.

I keep 90 itens in apprentice and only when below that number I do new lessons. Only yesterday, after one week without any lessons, I decreased it to 69, today I will do 20 lessons.


I tried to rush through everything when I first started, but irl stuff got in the way and before I knew it I had over 2500 reviews waiting for me and my motivation tanked. I tried a couple months of getting them back under control, but doing 200 reviews and coming back the next day to see they’ve all rejoined the queue was not fun.

So I reset my account and it’s taken me over a year to get to the same level I’d gotten to within a few months of fast pace. I try to do my reviews once everyday, and after that I decided if I feel up to doing any more lessons based on how well I feel I did on my reviews. Things are definitely a lot slower, but it’s a lot less overwhelming this way.

My advice is to be aware of your limits and not push yourself just for the sake of it.

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It’s only partly by level. The other part is time. Once you hit 4-6 months and the enlightened and burns start coming through is when you’ll see what your average daily reviews are like for most of WK.

I’ve found that x lessons per day plus keeping a lid on Apprentice was the best way for me to control my average daily review count. Only doing x lessons per day still results in an increasing daily review count and I wanted to stay around 150-200 reviews per day.

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I make my own “weak” mnemonics, but revise them until the item sticks (but not necessarily the mnemonics). So take whatever comes to mind first. Might be some simple phrases or sound associations.

While I don’t recommend rushing, I took time to quiz new items in groups, get some failed results, repeat quizzing with less failure, then again like 5 times. If some mnemonics come to mind, type them in. If you have energy, it is possible to rush with good short term memory this way.

Medium term memory is about seeing example sentences, whether in WaniKani itself, or seen elsewhere.

By rushing, whether you remember well or not, there is gonna be large review pile, like 500 per day, and that takes time and energy, even if your memory isn’t so bad.


afaik there are around 10 thousand lessons. that would mean if you do 10 lessons a day you’ll complete wanikani in 1000 days, which is 3 years. you’ll take even longer if you do less


Well, I sped through the first twenty levels. Now, I’m doing no more than 15 lessons a day, with no more than 100 Apprentice / 500 Guru items. So far, my workload has been very manageable and I plan to keep it this way.



I think they are implying that it’s okay to do less than x lessons without there actually being a huge pile to prevent a future one.

That being said, we should try not to neglect Reviews!

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