Help! I can't get no satisfaction with my quiz

What is the Wanikani meaning of 行き? Doing the review I cannot find the answer, going, destination, going to are wrong. The quiz goes on and on and repeats the question, what is the meaning of 行き and I don’t know, I don’t know, I still don’t know. What is to be done when you cannot answer a question. Seems to me, there is a way to get a clue or even the answer, but I don’t know how.
Please, help me, it’s frustrating.

I don’t understand… just open the item page? Or look at the info within the review screen after you get it wrong, by clicking the little eye icon.

You can add some synonyms if you want, but all the information you need is there.

Merci beaucoup. Thank you for your quick reply. So 行き means “train direction”. Ouf ! I am French and for me 'train direction" is a synonym of “destination” which is easier to remember; Please tell me how do you open directly the item page of each item because when I click on the little eye icon after I got wrong, nothing happens…

Use the search on the dashboard.

If the review page isn’t working, maybe there’s an issue with your browser.

You can go back to the dashboard and look at your recent unlocks (under your progress), or use the menu at the top to get to the vocabulary for that level. Then click on that item. Try using a different browser, clicking on the eye under a wrong answer should show you the same info you got during your lesson. You can also add “destination” if you think it is a reasonable synonym for the word (just make sure you really understand it).

After giving an answer during lessons/reviews, you can click on the “eye” right below the answer box to open that item’s details.

Il y a une autre définition:- “bound for” - plutôt “à destination de” que simplement “destination”.


Moi, je me souviens mieux “bound for” que “train direction” - quand je regards le japonais, il n’y a rien qui me faire penser aux trains!

En faisant des quizzes, j’ai toujours plusiers onglets de Wanikani ouverts pourque je puisse vérifier quelque choses sans quitter le quiz.


Thanks to all those who replied for their help. From now on I will remember 行き for sure!
To jprspereira, when I click ont the “eye”, nothing happens… Leebo is right, as the eye icon doesn’t work, there must be a problem with my brower settings, my son will help me to set it properly.
To Jerred : It was not a recent unlocked, but a very old one, that’s why I had forgotten its meaning.
Merci Rowena d’avoir pris la peine de me répondre en français et pour l’idée des onglets ouverts. Maintenant je n’oublierai plus “train direction” gràce à tous vos messages.

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