Going monolingual

I posted a few days ago asking for help related to making the card transition. @Sinyaven was super helpfull in helping me transform my previous card style into something that would be easily adapted if I added the j-def to an existing card.

In the post you’ll find my card style and the added code provided :+1:

I’ll try not been too anal about this as well. I’m taking this as a transition instead of a cold turkey switch… so far so good. I’ve encountered some words with very complicated defs… so they will remain with eng defs until my vocab and reading comprehension gets better as well.

interesting :thinking::thinking: … indeed. handwritten japanese it’s like a thing in its own… could you explain a bit more regarding this thingie? :wink:

you’re totally right :astonished: … adding extra work to a card I’ll be seeing again in a year sounds like totally wasting time… glad your mentioned this.

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