Forum Level Constantly Trails Behind WaniKani Level

I keep noticing that my forum level is consistently one level below my WaniKani level. Why is this? If I sign out and sign back in to the forums, that temporarily fixes it, but then it goes back to trailing. I’ve been level 12 for 6 days now but the forum still shows me as level 11. I’m wondering if this is partly due to when I maxed out my progress before I sprang for the lifetime membership.


This has always been a problem for as long as I’ve been here, at least. Maybe Discourse (the forum is a Discourse forum) doesn’t synch that well. It’s either something they can’t fix due to it being more on Discourse’s side, or it’s just not a priority for them. I always just had to sign out and back it.


I noticed that as well. On my end, it coincided with me getting all my radicals and the first kanji of the new level into Guru.
So it might be that it waits until that point before considering you to be at a certain level.

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If you sign out and sign back in, that updates it. I always do that when I’m on the forums and I notice a level up hasn’t happened


I haven’t tried this, but I saw someone mention that if you go to update your forum profile info and hit save, it’ll update your level.

Again, I haven’t tried it, but its worth a try!


Easiest way to get it to refresh is to change your profile’s “About” blurb. Don’t need to logout then back in for it to update with this method.


Log out from the main WK site and back in. Not from the community.

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I already hit that a few days ago, though.

Huh. I’m going to try this next time. Sounds easier than logging out and back in again - not that that’s particularly hard to do or anything, but I’m incredibly lazy, so…


Can you clarify? I don’t see anything in Preferences → Profile labeled “About”, but I tried editing my Location and didn’t see my level change.

Edit: Oh, I think you meant in the main account settings, not the forum account settings. Let’s see if it changes now.

Edit 2: Changing from an empty About blurb to a filled in one did nothing, but then doing a second edit to change that blurb worked. This is definitely faster than logging out and back in.

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Well, if you’re incredibly lazy, then just don’t do anything about it at all :wink:

(I presume that this caching mainly happens for myself, so it’s probably not that I’m influencing what others see when I log out and in again…) → Turns out this assumption was wrong :rofl:

(Maybe we can double-check: What level do I have? I see myself as Level 26, but in reality I’m at level 27 right now. What do you see?)

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I see level 26.

Oh, that’s really interesting! Thanks for breaking my hypothesis :joy_cat:

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Yeah, it is the Profile settings page on the main site. I’ll edit the original post to with a direct link to the right page.

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And now it’s Level 27 for you, I guess?

(I just logged out and in again.)


I like to think of our kind as “time efficient” … :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep! I see 27 now.


The more you know :smile:


Yup, 27.

I may be lazy, but my ego is not. When I’ve gone to all that effort in order to level up, I want to show off my progress on the forums :rofl:


I’ve had this issue ever since I started WK. It seems like they just don’t consider it a priority to fix. To be fair, it isn’t very serious.

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