Same old story, I have seen countless posts about this. But I am posting as I need advice on two points and share my experience.
I have been studying japanese on and off for several years and I go to Japan at least twice a year.
I started december 2018 went very quickly up to level 20, then it became harder to keep up with the pace and after a few difficult weeks I had to stop completely (work and my daughter was born). During that time I still had some exposure to Japanese, but much less than in the past
Now, after 6-7 months, I feel I am back to the beginning.
What I tried to do
a) I tried to remember a bit with the wanikani speed app and although I guess right most of the times (like 90%), I guess there is some subconscius memory, most kanji look like… empty to me
b) I tried to do go the other way round with kaniwani but it’s not helping.
What should I do?
I should start over right? Maybe go back to level 5 or 10? What do you think? The first levels were too easy and painfully slow. so I could just go over them quickly without srs. Would that be a good approach?
Most troubling part is that I have difficulties even with my 2200 burned items. Is that normal? I guess even if you complete wanikani you still need to have constant exposure to Japanese. I have read it in other posts but I was a bit schocked by how quickly I lost my kanji and words.
thank you!