FLOWERS -Le volume sur été- 🌺 Visual Novel Informal Club

Chapter 3 spoilers

I love all the character development we get in this chapter.

Erika starts noticing Chidori more and more. This triggers Erika to slowly start coming out of her own shell. I enjoyed the coincidence that when she goes to the cooking club to cook with Yashiro-senpai, she makes Mapo Tofu, which is the favorite dish of another character in a different VN that I also like a lot.

One of the fun Yashiro-senpai winks!

Erika finally manages to score a point against Yashiro-senpai :stuck_out_tongue:

The scene where they get to decide the participants for the read-aloud is also hilarious.

One of the few moments where Chidori actually pokes fun at Erika, when her nomination of Souh backfires. Of course, she just can’t let this go and takes Chidori down with her :joy:

Of course, Suoh feels just as betrayed…

I always thought that one of the downsides of Flowers 1 was that since Suoh was the main character we never got to enjoy a lovely close-up of her like this one :smiling_face:

Erika, did you really think they had the budget to create a new Senpai and draw new sprites for her? you could escape the chains of destiny?

I feel that Erika’s struggle in her role as Rapunzel does lots to show her character development, as another weakness she needs to overcome. It has been mentioned before, but her attempts to compensate by going around talking like an Oujo-sama are also hilarious

I couldn’t agree more with Ringo’s reaction here :joy:

The mystery this chapter is really nice. While it has many similarities in nature to the Yashiro-senpai incident in Flowers 1, it feels a lot more light hearted, and Erika takes on the challenge just for the fun of it. Everything around it feels so very Erika-like.

I can’t remember how exactly this line went in the English version, but I find it really interesting how Erika uses 拝む here, which means “to see” but is used for looking at something holy, sacred, or someone of high status, but Erika uses it for underwear. Such a difficult nuance to translate!

I loved that we finally get Chidori and Erika to investigate a mystery together, running around looking for anything related to St. Joseph. The VN does a great job to show that while they are getting close, their personalities still clash often.

While she never says it aloud, I feel it’s clear that Chidori starts to respect and trust Erika more when she manages to find the missing Rapunzel scripts. Erika also realizes how much Chidori has grown when it comes to figuring Erika out.

Suoh has her own character development, using the arranged version of Rapunzel to express her own feelings, and eventually, her own determination as she decided to change the ending to a happy end.

I thought the actual read-aloud scene is lovely. Chidori doing the “evil” witch voice really feels like an actual pro, and the others do a decent job that feels appropriate for them as amateur high schoolers. Erika shedding a tear as she gets overwhelmed by the feelings Suoh poured into the script. The final scene where Erika and Chidori open up a bit more in their room is the icing in the cake.

It’s an stellar chapter. 11/10.

Random side note:


Some of the few fun moments where they went for a bit of animation with the old engine they used for this game. It’s a nice touch.

Chapter 3

Here’s the English version:

So I guess they did try for the nuance, as “adorable” could be for something holy, to adore / to worship. Didn’t think about that at all when I read it though, nice to see the kanji!

Chapter 4 spoilers

It’s a nice change of pace to see Chidori take the lead when they start taking the violin classes.

I think this is the first time I see まで written in kanji in my life.

I like how Mayuri and Suoh’s relationship keeps casting shadows over a lot of what’s going on in Flowers 2. It’s also interesting how Erika keeps pondering on that, slowly realizing that despite always keeping her distance from people, somewhere inside she also yearns being close to someone on that level.

Suoh’s relationship with our two main characters also feels special. Aside from Suoh getting along well with Chidori (despite the jealousy of the latter), Suoh always seems to be the one trying to give Erika a more objective view of their Amitié relationship that Erika cannot quite seem to see.

These small glimpses that we get from Erika’s family are usually kinda dark (it’s clear at this point that there’s a rift between Erika and them), but at least there’s some that are actually very fun.

Somehow having an older sister that plays Otome-games feels very fitting for Erika :joy:

The lake trip is such a great scene too.

As usual, Erika can be sort of … too blunt :stuck_out_tongue:

… and I love how Chidori doesn’t seem fazed by it and keeps paying Erika’s jokes back. She even went for a movie reference! She openly lied to her just to get her on the boat. It’s amazing.

And that’s why I love this VN. I keep repeating every chapter how Chidori and Erika grow closer, but the character development is so well paced that it just feels so natural and smooth to digest. It just feels so human. They open up bit by bit to each other, so gently - it doesn’t feel forced or rushed.

They start sharing with each other small bits here and there, some things trivial, some heavier. They both start predicting and understanding what the other one is thinking, with increasing accuracy, but never really perfectly. They start feeling many emotions, good and bad - trust, embarrassment, jealousy, joy. It’s complicated, like any human relationships where two people are actually close always is.


So after I finished the first ending, I just rushed through the rest of the content using Skip, big mistake, my curiosity got satisfied but the experience wasn’t as enjoyable as taking it slow.
I have done that for almost everything, except the last ending, so now the plan is that I will wait a bit, to have a chance to forget a bit the beginning and then have the patience to do a complete play-through with the last ending. And as a bonus, that means that I won’t have forgotten everything by the the time we start Automne :grin:


I always use the skip button too since I don’t like to re-read things back-to-back like that (especially in Japanese, it would take me forever to complete a game then :joy: ) but I can understand wanting to read the full thing together. I hope you enjoy the true end when you get back to it!

Chapter 5 spoilers

I mean, you can’t start a chapter better than with a classic Erika-tries-to-tease-Suoh-immediately-regrets-it scene

I think it’s fun how, in the teasing regard, Erika is sort of a failed Yashiro-senpai :stuck_out_tongue:

I can totally imagine Chidori doing a fist-pump in her mind when she hears Erika say that she believes Chidori deserves the main play in the ballet recital.

I really liked the scene Erika and Chidori have their first kinda “serious” fight after Rikka’s accident - Erika starts using a baseball analogy on how she’s getting annoyed by Chidori’s attitude, but then it’s actually Erika that crosses the line and says too much, gets an out.

It’s clear Erika doesn’t know how to handle the situation, which is expected given that she always avoided people. So she resorts what we all introverts do in this situation: escapism! She immediately pounces on the whole Hookman mystery to distract herself.

Funny how 目 (eye) + 保養 (health preservation) means 「feast for the eyes」, which is certainly a very Erika-ish way to call someone pretty.

She even goes for the overly polite language as if she was talking to someone of high status.

It’s interesting how the mood is completely different when Erika and Chidori are just talking in the middle of the night. I feel Chidori knows that given how Erika is, she’d normally never bother to meddle into the life of someone she didn’t care about. So Chidori actually decides to open up to her despite the friction they currently have.

I really like the approach the scenario writer took here, instead of artificially lengthening the drama or making it more extreme.

Chidori joins the mystery investigation, and funnily enough, she provides all the missing clues just by making sharp observations (which is ironic given her bad eyesight).

Without spoiling anything, I gotta say the different clues in this particular mystery are even more interesting knowing what’s going to happen in Flowers 3 and 4. One of the perks of re-reading this in japanese ^.^ Then there’s the final confrontation with Suoh, which is also very filled with subtleties related to that.

After this comment from Suoh, Erika, for the first time, doesn’t have any choice but to accept that Chidori and her and indeed close. But she doesn’t do it unwillingly - she’s even proud of it.

It’s time for those feeling to finally blossom - final chapter let’s go~

True ending completed!

Well after playing through the first two chapters again, I could see that it was just the same as the first walkthrough… Somehow I was expecting some new content. So in the end I just skipped all the other chapters and got the True ending, there again I was expecting a bit more but it was a very short scene… It wasn’t bad but I don’t know why, I had higher expectations so that kind of ruined it a bit :sweat_smile:
Oh well, I’m ready and looking forward to Automne now!

I can see value in both, I like the small variations in the middle when you replay it all, and I like the unique routes when there is a turning point, but sometimes having a turning point makes me feel bad for the other routes, that they have never happened, if that makes sense.

I was happy with this one because it bugged me a bit that there was some attraction there. Kind of like the elephant in the room, so I’m glad it was addressed, and liked Dalia’s response!

There’s one scene in Chapter 2 I believe (now that I’ve just reread it :laughing: ) where Yatsushiro Yuzuriha asks Erika why are you in a bad mood, are you on your period? and Erika says, “If I were believe me you would know” or something like that, so could be

Yup me too…

Hahaha that’s hilarious :laughing: I actually felt that the English version was a bit weird but at least it was grammatically correct “And even now the girls continue to sing together hand in hand”

The what? aaah I didn’t notice in the menu! Oops I need to stop reading your post right now and go read those!


Well this is exactly me now! :grin:I was like, wait, WHAAAAAAAAAT

Waw awesome thanks!

I have to admit that it was super hard for me to feel the summer vibes, while reading this during a very cold winter with a lot of snow :cold_face:

Extra reply

Haha yeah, that was basically my same thought when I first read it. I can’t wait to see everyone’s thoughts on it, its such a good game.

Very fair. When I originally read été in English, it was in the middle of a record breaking hot summer over here, so I still had some of those memories while replaying it. :stuck_out_tongue:
Now that I think of it, été is the only game in the series I’ve played during the “proper” season before. I originally played games 1-3 over the course of like two weeks during the summer and then had to wait until spring the following year for game 4.


I finished the first route. Now for all the others and then reading the spoilers in this thread.

Chapter 6 spoilers

This final chapter is so beautiful in many ways!

Chidori and Erika, in their own ways, start to struggle with the feelings they can no longer ignore.

It’s just like Erika that her very first thought to figure out what’s wrong with Chidori is to lay a trap :joy:

Truer words have never been uttered. :disappointed_relieved:

But, despite it not being her style, she goes with the lets-be-frank plan. Erika, I feel, wants to believe they can open up to each other and talk.

I love all the small nuances in this interaction. Chidori, who is stressed and scared, instinctively reacts with one of Erika’s usual lines - but Erika knows better than anyone else that this line is something she just uses to hide her inner feelings, which she finally confirms when she accidentally sees Chidori’s notes.

The dress-up rehearsal is a disaster, and it’s time for extreme measures.

I like how elaborate Erika’s plan is, which makes sense for someone who enjoys solving mysteries. Get Chidori to eat something she likes, crack a few innocent jokes to lighten the mood, then re-assure her that no matter what her problem is, Erika will accept her. It shows how good Erika has gotten when it comes to understanding Chidori.

I remember that the first time I read this, when I ran into the Alice-in-Wonderland Syndrome here I was surprised to find out that it actually exists. It’s a pretty interesting condition.

I love this scene - how it shows that bonding between people is full of small details like this one, where Erika fixes Chidori’s hair. I feel too many romance stories try to focus too much on big events or drama and forget about these small things that, when accumulated, start weighing a lot more than the big ones.

And… I just mentioned how the dinner scene showed how much Erika had come to understand Chidori, but even she wasn’t ready for the promise she asks for here.

Erika here feeling disappointed that their kiss didn’t last long enough just killed me from the sheer cuteness.

I agree with everyone that the recital scene is lovely, and it’s not hard to see how much effort the game’s staff put into it, with a lot of unique CGs, music, and all the detailed ballet descriptions. It’s an stellar climax scene - Chidori, finally full of the confidence she has received from her Amitié is the one narrating the scene, and not Erika, which I feel is a brilliant touch, as we watch her finally overcome her past. And the the other major characters also dancing bring a great sense of closure to this final event.

恋人 Ending

The VN does a great job of showing how a relationship is about finding that subtle and constantly moving “right” distance between two people. Chidori is so in love with Erika, she starts being a bit overbearing. Everyone knows what’s going on, and just like me, they love every second of it and can’t stop ニャニヤ-ing

Erika is just not used to this. There’s awkwardness, and embarrassment, but also a lot of happiness. She might not be used to this, but it’s not bad at all. In her own words, 悪くない!

The final scene where Erika falls asleep in Chidori’s bed is the icing on the cake. This is already magnificent and I haven’t even gotten to the True End yet.

Shimotsuki Haruka singing the ending song is just :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The tone of the song just follows the mood of the final scene purrfectly.

…In case it’s not obvious yet, I’m a huge Shimotsuki Haruka fan :stuck_out_tongue:

恋人以上友達未満 Ending

While I certainly feel the 恋人 ending is a lot more satisfying, I can’t help but feel this is a great ending too.

I have the impression that the author went for some ambiguity in this final scene at the lake. It feels like a combination of things. Erika not wanting to be a burden to Chidori, amplified but what happened with her sisters back at home. Erika not wanting to be the reason why Chidori didn’t reach the heights she could in her career. Erika misjudging the true depth of Chidori’s feelings. Erika too afraid to face her own feelings.

Whether Erika really only sees Chidori as family, or she’s just too afraid to accept Chidori’s feelings and all those things about being a burden are just an excuse, I feel the game doesn’t make it clear.

And for a secondary ending, I think that’s very good - sometimes feelings are just vague like that. It’s bittersweet and touching at the same time.


I read everything now.

I think reading this in Japanese was not a good idea. I mostly chose that because I really don’t like playing on PC. doesn’t seem to think it’s very difficult. But to me it is not easy. It uses strange kanji. Like, 佳い instead of 良い. I felt I didn’t understand the ending (Extra) at all and watched an english Let’s Play.

ete spoiler

Though the english was pretty much what I gathered from the Japanese ending and I still couldn’t follow Suoh’s reasoning.

I think it was a bit strange / anoying how the true ending and the koibito ending was almost identical. Just making me skip through almost exactly the same story line.

I was surprised that the true ending had Chidori and Erika being happy together. I thought, like in the first game, they had to break apart somehow. I mean, are they going to be a couple in the next game?

I thought the placement of the credits in the ダリア-ending was very effective.

I’m not sure why Mayuri leaving is mysterious. Did they think a catholic organization is going to accept an openly gay couple? Mayuri probably left so that Suoh could stay.

Ending reply

Was there a specific part you didn’t understand about her motives or something else?

The overall mood in Ete was a lot happier compared to Printemps so it wasn’t too surprising to me that Chidori and Erika stayed together. There was also no love triangle in this one either trying to push them apart or anything.

After everything they went through together in Printemps just to have her leave without saying a word to anyone is a little mysterious to me. Even if they are at a catholic school, a lot of the girls there aren’t catholic. We’ve also seen other girls get away with it (no one was really opposing when Rikka announced her “love” to Suoh and Chidori & Erika’s relationship was pretty accepted throughout here).

jpdb’s algorithm is odd. I definitely think Flowers is on the harder side and most people I’ve talked to agree.

All endings spoiler

Was there a specific part you didn’t understand about her motives or something else?

I didn’t see what could have concluded from Mayuri’s paintings. I recogniced the “as in heaven, so on earth” line from the Lord’s prayer. Though I admit to having learned this line as a child without really understanding the specific meaning. Mapping heaven to the school seems like unfounded speculation.

I can follow her reasoning that students on a test of courage probably wouldn’t have scared Daria. But what does she conclude from that? There there is some (demonic?) presence that caused suffering to Mayuri (something we didn’t see at all in the first game), scared Daria and almost killed Yuzuha? I mean, if we are supposed to think Suoh is being a bit crazy, I could accept that.

Then “The virgin Mary is not the only Maria here at the academy, is she? The goddess of truth”. I have little idea what that is supposed to mean or how it is connected to the rest of her conversatoin with Yuzuha. How many Mary like characters are there? Mayuri, virgin Mary, bloody Mary and now some goddess of truth?

After everything they went through together in Printemps just to have her leave without saying a word to anyone is a little mysterious to me

I think there could be explanations for all your points here. But I think it’s most likely that the game is set in an alternative universe where the catholic church (at least in this one school) is less misanthropic, simply because every thing else would put Daria-sensei in a bad light, which I don’t think they’d do.

Ending reply

That’s fair. The religious stuff didn’t make too much sense to me the first time I played it either.

Hmm, I don’t think there is any demonic presences. Erika did find the situation strange too though and kind of talked about it with Dalia at the end of ch5.

I hope you enjoyed the game though and continue reading with us for the next one :slightly_smiling_face:

Full Game spoilers

As @AzusaChan mentions, this is explained in more detail when Erika and Dallia speak at the end of chapter 5. Erika realizes something is off when she and Chidori are investigating the case. Specifically, Chidori says “So there are actually people that faint from getting scared”, implying that, it is actually strange that Dallia would faint. When Erika confronts Dallia, she mentions that Dallia is covering for someone else (as in, she pretended to faint). She was never attacked - she just brought attention to herself to avoid someone else being found out (Erika points out, for example, that the hookman noises came from one room, yet Dallia screamed from the completely opposite side of the building). Erika doesn’t name who Dallia is covering for, and Dallia does not explicitly deny or accept that. Erika mentions that unlike Suoh, she’s not interested in finding out the truth, and she doesn’t want to pry into Dallia’s motives, so the discussion doesn’t go further.

Not sure if I missed something, but I am not sure why you think Yuzuriha was almost killed… ? Nobody was attacked by the hookman. Yuzuriha only had an accident in one of the events in Flowers 1, but it’s not related to the hookman mystery at all.

I live in a highly Catholic country, and I attended a catholic school (like 90% of the population in my country). I even attended a catholic college. My impression is not similar to yours. While the Catholic church is certainly against same-sex marriage, the Catholic Church does not operate on a fanatical level where a student would be expelled for being in one. Sure, there are some Catholic fanatics, but my impression is that the Catholic Church (nowadays, at least), is a lot more open than many other theist religions (and other branches of christianity).

The school I attended was indeed run by Catholic priests, but only the Religion subject was taught by a priest. The rest of the teachers were certainly catholics, but that didn’t mean that subjects that Catholicism frowns upon were taken to extremes or were taboo. We learned about all kinds of contraceptive methods, for example, even those not approved by the Catholic Church. I was also not forced to take part in any of the usual catholic rites ( like the first communion or the confirmation ), and could still normally attend despite me not really being a catholic.

I feel a same-sex relationship at that level in school wouldn’t have been taken seriously. Most teachers would have written it off as whim from their adolescence period, though they would probably tell the students that it was not right and why. But they wouldn’t punish them or force them out of school for it.

all ending spoilers

Yes, I’m referring to that accident. Suoh was asking Yuzuha if it really was an accident, suggesting she was attacked somehow. It looked dangerous enough to me to think she could have died with a little worse luck.

I think you are right that making her leave would be excessive. I just think all the Catholicism is a bit odd in this game, give the Church’s positions. Somehow it bothers me more than in Aoi Hana. Probably because it plays a larger role here

離別 / ダリア ending

Some of the alternate scenes in this route are pretty fun.

Knowing that Suoh is reminded of Mayuri when seeing Chidori, this level of blushing is warranted I guess :smiling_face:

This must be the only scene where Chidori is actually annoyed by one of Erika’s jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

At this point, it’s the classic Erika-joke-gone-wrong.


The 離別 ending makes logical sense, considering that in this set of choices Erika and Chidori have gotten closer but not close enough, but it’s not the most emotion-evoking of endings, sadly.

This CG from Erika’s confession to Dalia is really lovely - I really like the way they used the light coming from the window to the back of Erika.

I don’t dislike Dalia’s ending, despite how one-sided it is. I just don’t feel that Dalia’s character has been developed enough, so the impact is just not there. Dalia is certainly fond of Erika, which gives things a weird sense of its-impossible-but-can’t-give-up to Erika’s feelings.

IMHO it would have been extremely nice if the alternate ending was actually Erika :heavy_multiplication_x: Suoh. From where I see it, Erika is certainly interested in Suoh (there’s even a scene where Erika wishes Suoh had become her Amitié), and there’s certainly some level of chemistry between them when they are interacting. It would have also been a one-sided thing for Erika, but I think that would have been more interesting and enjoyable than with Dalia, because Suoh is already highly developed as a character.

True Ending

Personally, I found lovely how the extra choices that led to the true ending all revolve around Erika listening to Chidori singing. It’s just too cute when Erika starts humming the tune herself.

It’s an amazing detail how the final scene uses the song as the conclusion. Erika meets Chidori when she’s singing it. In the end, they find love and sing together. It’s just incredible how the author builds this story on all these little and big details, not letting any of them go to waste, tying them all together in the perfect ending.

Having Chidori sing the song in the final ending credits is just yet another amazing detail.

Final thoughts on the game as a whole

I have a friend who is a movie geek, and watches a hella lot of them. One time, that friend told me that he had never seen a good romance in a movie.

Then, I presented to him my theory of why that is - a great romance relies deeply on character development. So deeply, in fact, that the usual 2-hour run time for a movie is just not enough for it. The character development is just on a different level - it’s built not only on all those little details that make a person (of which the story has to develop not only one, but two), but also in all the dynamics of the interactions between two people.

Only when that is achieved correctly the people watching (or reading) the story can find in themselves that they are also fond of these characters - that they know them like they would know a close friend or a close relative, and that they, in all of their heart, sincerely wish for them to find happiness.

For me, Flowers 2 is a masterpiece that manages to achieve this. Certainly it has its flaws, but its strengths are so incredibly powerful these flaws don’t bring any detriment to it. The characters, the little details, the expressions, the interactions, the pacing, the music, everything is woven masterfully into what’s the most satisfying romance I’ve ever read/watched, yuri or otherwise.

Flowers 2 also manages something that I feel too few romances manage to understand correctly - the lack of an antagonist. Relationships between people are hard, love relationships are even more difficult. Life, naturally on its own, presents enough troubles to two people trying to understand one another. Personalities clash. Entering someone’s personal space is a delicate balancing act. The use of an antagonist, someone trying to pull two people who are in love apart, is just artificial and overused in romances, and I love that Flowers 2 doesn’t resort to that.

My rating: 11⭐ /10.

I am extremely happy that I was able to read this one more time in japanese with all the extra depth that this brought over the English version. Thank you to @AzusaChan for running this club, and to everyone who participated! It was fun reading everyone’s opinions.

Reply to endings

I would have been a little upset if they did that :stuck_out_tongue: Especially since most of the time Suoh is in the background of this one is sulking over Mayuri and trying to find clues for her, I think if they tried to develop another romantic sub-plot with her here, it would have been awkward for both parties.

I do agree with your point about the lack of an antagonist! One of the tropes I hate the most in romance manga is whenever they try to add in a third person to “steal” the MC away from their partner. Although Printemps did have a triangle of sorts, it was handled a lot better than what I generally see. But yeah, it is nice to have a romance story where the main couple can just grow together without a third person trying to butt in.

Of course! Thank you for reading along and posting all your thoughts, I enjoyed reading your perspective on everything :smiling_face: