FLOWERS -Le volume sur été- 🌺 Visual Novel Informal Club

Prologue comments

I just looove this prologue.

I feel that in the first game, the script writer went for a more classic intro where the Suoh just runs into the two main love interests and is taken away by their beauty.

Here, Erika being Erika, things take a way more interesting approach. At first it seems Erika is just going to get charmed just like Souh was by Mayuri at the Sakura tree, but then of course she just start bickering with Chidori. It’s hilarious and extremely fitting for our new MC.

Chidori gives a really nice first impression ( I mean, to me as a reader, not to Erika ). It’s immediately clear she’s strongly willed and somewhat stubborn. I love how she still manages to take a point from Erika when she whispers in her ear.

It’s just an amazing start.


Just finished Chapter 2 :slight_smile:

Thoughts on Chapter 2

Oh no, how is she going to eat all that x)

Just when I was just thinking that I was missing Suoh in été and wish we would see her more, the final scene started :heart:

Very nice music too

I’m super impressed that you get the wordplays!

Ch2 reply

Yeah those pancakes are huge. I love the look on Erika’s face in that scene :joy:

I do love the music in this! I think my favorite song in this one is トマドイ. I can’t remember the exact scene it was played in now but I think it was used somewhere in ch2 or 1.

Chapter 3 thoughts

I like the opening scene in this chapter where Chidori has an eyelash in her eye and Erika is helping her out. Erika tells her to パチパチ but Chidori claps her hands instead of blinks. I’m not sure why Chidori thought clapping would help there but she’s so dumb sometimes I love it

Angry Suoh is cute

When Erika was practicing her “girly” voice, that was definitely one of the funniest moments so far. I can’t tell if her voice or the Sasaki’s reaction was better.
I also liked how many people confused 階段 with 怪談 during the mystery section when Erika was talking to them.

I enjoyed the PoV change we got this chapter with Chidori. I felt like she was being kind of mean to Suoh, taking her jealousy out on her but at least Suoh seemed to handle it well. Feels like it is obvious at this point Chidori has a huge crush on Erika with the way she acted this entire chapter.

The play itself was really nice. Their outfits were beautiful and I love the presentation style of the play. It is hard reading it in jp though since that section is all forced auto. Especially the parts that weren’t voiced, the text was advancing much faster than I can read. Thankfully I had the backlog/texthook page to look at it after to catch the parts I missed.

The CG at the end of the play where Chidori hands Erika the handkerchief always gets me. A very emotional end to the play. It was nice to see how Suoh was able to change the story of the play to relate to her current situation/desires too.

Chapter 4 thoughts

Feels like this is the shortest chapter in the series, so far at least. It was so short I didn’t take as many screenshots as normal :stuck_out_tongue:

Despite it being short, it was still fun. I like how obvious Chidori is getting with her jealousy. She just really wants to spend some time with Erika. I thought it was pretty sweet of Erika that she wrote those notes in Chidori’s book to help her on the test. Kind of wish we could have saw her do that and her thoughts at the time but maybe its a better reveal this way where we learn about it via Chidori’s perspective.

I’m surprised that all the girls have the choice to go home or not for the summer. I figured their parents would force them to come visit them since they haven’t seen them in a while. We got a pretty nice lake scene out of it though. The CG on the boat was cute, they’re really adorable together.

Also, I think Erika really loves boobs with how often she brings them up in every chapter :joy:

Chapter 3 thoughts

Haha poor Suoh, love her face when she got nominated

Haha Erika being “possessed” and talking like a girl was super funny.

I’m not catching what’s the reference to Mayuri here? How is it in Japanese?

The game completely bugged in the chapel and was writting new text without clearing the old text first. It wasn’t recording in the backlog either, and I tried restarting but same result, so I have no idea what happens in that scene.

Funny how the structure of the mysteries has evolved a bit compared to Printemps. In Printemps, the music would start and you would have to answer the questions immediately. In Été, the music starts, it is clear that there is a mystery, but Erika does a bit more investigating becore the answering questions starts. And even after the questions are answer, there is more to the chapter!

The reading was super nice :slight_smile: almost like watching an anime at this point!

Interesting talk in the end about someone watching them… Time to speculate… Mayuri?! (I don’t want an answer to that, I’m sure I’ll find out :grin: )

Ch3 reply

There was a scene in chapter 8 of Printemps where the whole gang is talking about nicknames. Mayuri gives the suggestion of calling them “Sasa”, so Erika was probably thinking back on that moment.

That is weird, first time I’ve seen that. I looked on steam and seems like someone else had that issue 5 years ago. They said it happened if they played on auto and reloading during the scene fixes it?


Ah makes sense, completely forgot about that!
Yup that sounds similar to my issue, hm I had tried reloading before but not during, could have helped. (And yes I use the auto feature, the perk of reading in English I guess) Thanks for looking it up!

1 Like
Thoughts on Chapter 4

Haha same, I was like, what, already over? Whoops I didn’t even screenshot anything.
The only things I wrote down:

Funny because I think Flowers is probably written for Japanese natives, and a lot of the movie, music and book references that are super well known for us might be maybe knew or exotic for them. Well now I’ve never heard about “The Singing Bone” before so I get to try a bit how it’s like to be in their shoes!
Got the bug again at the lake scene but thanks to you @AzusaChan I just reloaded, turned off Auto and it worked fine :smiley:

Yeah I also don’t remember being so boob-obsessed by my own or my peers when I was a teenager… I don’t think I was doing that but who knows, it’s like 20 years ago now maybe I forgot. Nope I don’t feel old at all now :smiling_face_with_tear:

ch4 reply

I think this author in particular really likes western media. I’ve read one other VN she wrote and it was filled with western media references throughout too.
I have added a few of the jp novels they’ve mentioned to my plan to read list for later but a lot of them look old/hard :grimacing:

Nice, glad there was a workaround for that at least!


Finally finished chapter 1 \o/

Chapter 1 spoilers

I really enjoyed this chapter.

I feel it does a great job at both introducing Chidori as a character and also emphasizing how different Erika and Suoh are.

For starters, Erika’s reaction to realizing she’s getting an Amitiè is the polar opposite of Suoh :joy:

I thought I was in the wrong VN for a moment there…

As expected of our MC, even the choices can get hilarious:


The western references are fun, even though I actually have to look most of them up because I am so out of touch with western stuff :stuck_out_tongue: This one I actually understood on the first read at least.

Someone give Erika an award for this amazing retorts:

I think the VN in this chapter makes it pretty obvious what’s really going on with the mystery, but gets really confusing when Erika first reasoning phase is actually about bluffing a lie instead of figuring out the actual truth. And I think that point is really where it shows clearly that Flowers 2 is not Suoh with a more playful personality - Erika’s approach to the mystery is just completely different, and her solution more of a grey area, morally speaking. It’s not like Suoh’s more straight-forward mysteries where she just wanted to proved someone innocent.

And I love how much we get to learn about Chidori here despite her being absent during basically all of the investigation phase. It’s subtle in some ways - like how hard working she really is when she gets assigned to take care of the :rabbit2: despite being a punishment, and it also shows in how she takes care of Erika; then it’s more direct in other aspects, like her bad eyesight and her inability to read the room.

I also love how Erika is completely taken by surprise when Chidori finally tells her why she was hiding the death of the baby rabbits. Erika felt like she had things figured out, but Chidori keeps surprising her. It’s palpable that they are starting to get closer and slightly open up to each other.

I also really like this poetic description of Suoh’s beauty.

What a great chapter. Onwards to chapter 2!


It’s nice to read your comments, makes me appreciate some things I hadn’t paid attention to!

Chapter 5 thoughts

The last chapter might have been the shortest in the series while this chapter feels like it was the longest. Not that its a bad thing, this chapter had a lot of good moments.

I liked how happy the twins were that they got the role of the cats in the play.

I’ve seen the theme of talent vs expressiveness in other stories before and its always good, although in this case it didn’t get explored too much since Rikka got injured right away.

Chidori’s past is rather sad. I did enjoy the irony of Chidori telling Erika to mind her own business when she was asking about it when Chidori was far more aggressive doing the same thing to Suoh in the beginning of the game.

It kind of sucked that Chidori was absent for a majority of this chapter after that. Even though she can be harsh at times, she is one of my favorite characters in the series. Can definitely feel her growth throughout this game and how she becomes more thoughtful over time. It was nice when she opened up to Erika later on in this chapter about her past.

Those red lights by the clubhouse do make a really creepy atmosphere

The mystery in this one was pretty good. I think this one had a lot of hints that made it one of the easier ones to figure out, especially by the end once they discovered the paintings that Mayuri had left behind. This one did a good job of making everything come into play, even the comments Yuzu made about the story telling of her photos ended up helping Erika to solve this.
I also think its funny that since Suoh is one of the tallest people there, they thought the “hookman” might have been a guy :stuck_out_tongue: Having her face covered too would make it hard to tell, not many people would expect Suoh of all people to do something like that.
It’s a nice touch that whenever Erika & Suoh have a serious conversation, Suoh tends to default to calling Erika by her first name but in other casual moments she’ll call her by her last name instead and if she doesn’t, Erika will tell her to.

The ending scene with Dalia was nice. Erika always tries to act like she’s being selfish and only cares for herself but its obvious to anyone looking in from the outside how much she cares about others. It was funny when Dalia was listing off all the stuff the other students got her and how Erika went into panic mode. Even Chidori got her something after saying she wouldn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Chapter 6 / 恋人 End thoughts

This chapter is definitely the highlight of the VN for me. So many good scenes in this chapter.

I thought the bath scene with Chidori and Erika was really sweet. It was funny when they had a fight later and Chidori just decided she would stay in Suoh’s room for the night. Can’t imagine she thought she’d ever do that when she first transferred in.

When Erika discovered all the things written about her in Chidori’s notebook, I thought that was a touching scene. I like how Chidori wrote that she wanted to find out Erika’s blood type. That is always a big thing in Japan it seems like. She also wrote Erika’s zodiac sign down, didn’t think Chidori would be one to care about that.

Erika doing Chidori’s hair was adorable. Its such a simple act but comes off as very romantic, especially in this context. When Chidori was reminiscing about all the events that lead up to this, even I was starting to feel nostalgic even though its only been a few days/weeks since I read everything she was talking about :stuck_out_tongue:

The play in this chapter was so good, even better than the recital they did back in ch3 I think. This one was also a bit harder to follow along to, especially when they use so many katakana words. Thankfully there were a few “breaks” in between the scenes so I could read the backlog for what I missed.

The Sasaki’s were perfect as the cats. Its like they said in the VN, I can’t imagine anyone else playing them. I feel like Rikka looks so different without her glasses during the play. Suoh was definitely the cutest as 赤ずきん. I loved the outfit so much.

Chidori was amazing here too. I don’t know much about ballet but I think her 32 fouettes that she pulled off is one of the hardest feats possible? Her love for Erika was so strong though, I’m glad she was able to pull it off. It was also cool to see how the intro of été tied back to this scene since the intro was Erika’s perspective watching Chidori on stage. I know IG wants to make an anime for Flowers; if it ever happens, it would be awesome to see all of this fully animated.

The ending was nice with Chidori picking up reading & trying to get more into the things that Erika is into. The kiss scene was perfect too. I liked how they ended this game with a similar line to game 1, with the 初めて神へ祈ったのだ line.

First ending done now for me, feels like that went by really fast! There’s still some more endings & the extra story so I’ll post my final thoughts on the VN as a whole once I finish those.

Chapter 2 thoughts

Short but lovely chapter.

So Baskiat asks Erika to help Chidori get along better with people. The Sasaki sisters come along and suggest the best possible course of action: get Chidori to meet Yuzuriha and Nerine, of course! Ringo couldn’t describe my reaction to that idea any better than this:

Obviously, Chidori is speechless just from looking at them.

Hilarity ensues. I feel one of the things I love the most about Flowers 2 are the dynamics between Erika, Chidori, Yuzuriha and Nerine. Erika throws Chidori a saving line when she’s getting overwhelmed by her senpai, but (as usual) can’t help but tease her while she’s at it.

I love how, slowly, we start to see that despite being a bit obtuse when it comes to understanding people’s feelings, Chidori knows how kind Erika really is, and feels genuinely happy when she learns that Erika actually likes her singing.

Erika, being obtuse to people’s feelings but just in a different sort of way, doesn’t seem to realize what’s going on yet :smiling_face:

Even Nerine is having a hard time containing her laughter at how fun it’s to see Chidori and Erika interact.

Yuzuriha, as usual, overwhelms her opponents no matter who they are with her flirty advances, and even a master-at-retorts like Erika doesn’t know what to do. Also, Yuzuriha always seems to drop a wise piece of advice that seems to pass slightly unnoticed - mainly, when she declares that actually Chidori and Erika have more in common than Erika realizes (or should I rather say, than she is willing to accept?)

There’s a lot in the background of this chapter where Chidori starts to get along with Suoh, that sadly, we don’t get to witness directly. This happens to the point that even donkan Chidori realizes Suoh is in emotional distress.

I love how that finally gives Erika the final push she needed to actually confront Suoh in the final scene, which I thought was lovely and I’m glad to read that others in this thread seem to have enjoyed a lot too.

I feel this interaction is very like them - throwing around movie and book references to each other, showing how close they have grown since they met in spring, enough for even Erika to more openly show her kindness.

And, once again, I love how this VN connects scenes that initially seem trivial.

When Nerine has Erika make a wish when she finds an eyelash on her cheek, at first it just seems like it’s going to be a fun scene where we have Erika getting startled by having Nerine’s beauty up close - but then it actually gets connected to Erika starting a discussion about the 7 mysteries… and then it seems the topic gets sidetracked when Chidori shows up, but no, the wish she gave when she blew the eyelash was all for the results she gets from this conversation with Suoh.

Chapter 3 let’s goooo~

Overall thoughts on the game (all endings/"extra" story spoilers)

That was a fun read! The alternative endings in this one are pretty nice. My only real complaint is I hate the way the routes are structured, having to go all the way back to ch1 to remake your choices. I think I complained about this back in the Printemps thread too but I much prefer VNs where you have a single “turning point” and the story changes from there as opposed to accumulating different choices through 6 chapters until something new happens…

The 友達以上恋人未満 is the most emotional out of these endings I think. It also makes the true ending kind of bittersweet since in this alt ending Chidori leaves to further pursue her ballet dream but in the true end she stays at the school to be with Erika. Not that it’s the wrong choice and she can still pursue her dream after they graduate of course but still bittersweet to think about how she is postponing that part of her life for now in the true end.

The 離別 ending was sad too, especially given how game 1 ended. Erika even commented herself on how she finally knows the pain Suoh is going through. The ダリア end is okay. I don’t really have any strong feelings towards it either way. In that ending Erika’s vision becomes all misty and after Dahlia wakes up, one of the first things she does is remind Erika to take her pills. She takes those pills throughout this entire game during those food scenes with Chidori but I don’t remember them ever actually explaining what the pills were for? I saw someone say it was related to her heavy periods to help with that but I can’t remember the VN mentioning that :thinking:

The true end was nice, I liked the extra scene with Erika singing. I wish they had just merged the 恋人 and true end into one route though. They didn’t have this in the game unfortunately but the drama CD has a track of Erika & Chidori singing together if you want to listen

The random bad English to end the true end was kind of funny :stuck_out_tongue:

In my last post I said ch6 was the highlight of the game but the Extra comes real close. It was really nice to see from Suoh’s perspective what she was doing the entire game. I didn’t really appreciate Rikka telling Suoh to give up on Mayuri though. Would have been nice if Rikka showed any feelings towards Mayuri’s disappearance but they make it seem like she is really indifferent to it. The ending scene with Yuzu was very hype though. When I first read the series in English, I could not wait to start the next game after that.

Its not shown in the game but the artbook has a map layout of the school if anyone is interested since the girls explore a lot of places in this game


The 4komas are cute as always. I think this one was my favorite

Overall I think this VN is amazing though. The romance between Erika and Chidori is really fun to watch how it develops throughout. Despite Chidori’s intro being harsh, she’s definitely near the top of my favorite characters. She is very cute in her own dumb little way. I think the soundtrack did a great job of giving that summer romance feeling throughout too.

I’m excited to read everyone else’s thoughts when everyone is done. Looking forward to when we read Automne too since that is my favorite in the series/all-time favorite VN :smiling_face:

Chapter 5 thoughts

Oops and somehow I almost didn’t write anything at all about it :see_no_evil:

Agreed that the mystery wasn’t too hard. Also I am sensing that Basquiat is hiding that Mayuri is around since it has been told that there were two people spotted in the theater.
Found it pretty cool though that Erika tells Basquiat that she found her out and knows she is up to something, but doesn’t pressure her into saying what it’s about.

Chapter 6 / 恋人 End thoughts

Interesting that this has been translated to English as well, would be curious to see the Japanese version?

Very nice scene, where Chidori tells all the things she has liked with Erika we basically review what has happened in this VN.

And what about all those French titles, were there in Katakana in the Japanese version or in French? Can’t imagine the pain if it is katakana :x

Haha super happy that we get to see the Sasakis in cat costume. Wow they look good.

I’m having trouble recognizing Rikka! I guess because she’s without her glasses. But I feel like it’s not the same eyes.
Funny, had a lot of the same comments as you @AzusaChan :slight_smile:

Nice to end with the music that Chidori was singing. Felt quite short for me too. Looking forward to seeing the other endings, to see if there’s more content. If feel like the Mayuri / Basquiat plot line needs more.

Ch6 reply

Here’s what the jp version looked like

And here’s what the titles looked like

Although the titles weren’t that big of a deal for me, but some of the character names and a lot of their dance moves were in katakana so that part was hard. Doesn’t help that I don’t know much about ballet to begin with though :smile: I didn’t add any of those ballet words earlier in the story into anki but maybe I should have


Nice, thanks for the screenshots :smile:
I’m completely ignorant about that too, it’s nice to also learn something. I also enjoyed the explanations about how to play the violin .