"Flesh&Blood" Vol. 14 - Pirate Series Reading Club 🏴‍☠ ⛵

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Chapter eBook % Physical
Chapter 1 3 % p. 7
Chapter 2 12 % p. 30
Chapter 3 20 % p. 50
Chapter 4 29 % p. 72
Chapter 5 37 % p. 92
Chapter 6 45 % p. 113
Chapter 7 53 % p. 135
Chapter 8 63 % p. 159
Chapter 9 75 % p. 191
Chapter 10 89 % p. 227
あとがき 98 % p. 252-253

Discussion Rules

Discussing anything is fine, be it about language questions, about the contents or about real historic events! Please state clearly which chapter (or roughly which percentage) you’re referring to, and please hide spoilers. Also, don’t forget the forum etiquette, of course.

Buying the Book

If you’re planning to buy the book on Bookwalker or Amazon and if you’re outside of Japan, you will need a VPN to buy them. Afterwards, you can download it to the app without the need for a VPN. I think you cannot read it in the browser without VPN, though.

Vol. 14 on Bookwalker
Vol. 14 on Amazon

Vocab sheet

Artwork from volume 14

Full color extras


Vol 14, ch 1, p 19

Vol 14, ch 6, p 123

Vol 14, ch 8, p 169

Vol 14, ch 9, p 225

Vol 14, ch 10, p 251

あとがき, p 252-253

Historical Figures, Events and Places

The book mentions a lot of real (as far as we know :sweat_smile:) historical figures and events. Here are some information resources on them. (Please be aware that if you want to go in 100% blind, these lists will contain some spoilers for you)

Please add Chapter, Page, if possible, when something is mentioned in the story.

Historical Figures and Groups

Martin Frobisher (Ch 7, p 141) Martin Frobisher - Wikipedia
Effingham, Earl of (Ch 9, p 199) Earl of Effingham - Wikipedia

The Royal Diagram

Places and Rivers

Canterbury (Ch 10, p 229) Canterbury - Wikipedia

Historical Events, Things etc

Beltane (ベルティネ) (Ch 8, p 178) Beltane - Wikipedia
MHS Beagle, Charles Darwin’s ship (Ch 8, p 184) HMS Beagle - Wikipedia

Historical, geographical and other inaccuracies

Chapter 1 thoughts

Well, this is a quite surprising chapter. The POV is actually that of…Jan! :astonished: And we’re getting a glimpse of the whereabouts of both him and Raul! I guess, Matsuoka felt we needed something to keep the fire going literally. :rofl: Dang, I bet you all didn’t see that one coming! :rofl:

The amount of pure hatred from Jan is refreshing and then Raul’s playful and flirtatious replies! XD Ngl, I kind of like these two, as much as they clearly hate each other. Well, Raul loves to torment Jan, so maybe that’s love. :joy: But, well, that was a nice lime for the road!

nice chapter art as well! :blush: captures that animosity well I think!

Chapter 2, thoughts

I was also not expecting this time jump, but here we are in Kaito’s POV and apparently it’s now winter. He’s still having trouble eating, though Joan is doing her best to accommodate him. We also learn more about Lily as Kaito and she grows closer. :slight_smile: I feel like, they’re real BF:s at this point, having really found comfort about being able to talk about the future they both know and everything they’ve experienced.

But, just because things have calmed down from the end of last volume, doesn’t mean those issues have been dropped, it’s just a bit slow going to get the pot boiling again? XD :fondue: :hotsprings: And on that note, there’s more talk about food, Kaito’s dislike of meat and love of veggies. Seems like the kitchen’s well-stocked, but Kaito is just incredibly hard to please no matter what.

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Chapter 3 thoughts

Major spoilers below
Jeoffrey is understandably very frustrated by things, not being able to do more. Lily comes rushing in as Kaito can’t breathe. Jeoffre¨sy smart thinking is what saves Kaito from suffocating from blood clotting in his throat. This is all too scary! :fearful: It’s clear, Kaito might not have all that long left. :sob:

I just noticed this, not sure if this is a first, but Nigel address Jeoffrey with あんた here. Feels, very close. :thinking:

Anyway, Nigel knows how to chew someone out if he’s set on it. :sweat_smile: His suspicious nature is showing for sure and it’s all aimed at Lily not being able to do more for Kaito. Which is understandable as he cares deeply for Kaito. And asking Thomas the town doctor, he’s also being fed hope about a cure being developed in London by an acquaintance of Thomas. Being told no by Jeoffrey clearly doesn’t sit well with Nigel, who really wants to bring Kaito to London.

I like this frank and open chat between Jeoffrey and Kit. I feel, like they might have some things in common actually. :slight_smile: Suddenly, Nigel is the hot-headed one. XD Well, Kit, being the natural spy he is, has also spotted Sam on the Hoe, searching for something. It brings further mystery to the whole episode in last volume for sure. Just what is is about that place?? :eyes: And it turns the question back to kaito’s and lily’s strange “closeness”, why she’s sharing in the secret. Also, it seems there’s a mystery around Lily as a person with seemingly no past. :eyes: Detective Kit is on the case! :man_detective: *dun dun dun

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Chapter 4 thoughts

We start off with Jeoffrey leaving for Buckland Abbey and meeting with Drake. Kaito is still wondering about the whole thing of him dreaming about Kazuya, with Lily having suggested it might have just been that: dreams. But, Kaito is clearly struggling to accept that.

major spoilers
Well, this evening is spent with Nigel who makes sure Joan makes Kaito his favorite pie. Lily is out getting herbs. it’s just them. dun dun dun…well turns out Nigel is indeed willing to do anything to help Kaito. He’s decided to take Kaito to London, no matter what, and so has given him a sleeping medicine, knowing full he he’s going against Kaito’s own wishes here. Kaito is at least determined to fight this choice, even if he hurts Nigel in the process. More than anything, he just want to be at Jeoffrey’s side. But, Kaito can’t do much but succumb to the drug…

Chapter 5 thoughts
I just had to read a bit more to see where things go. Basically, we move back to Jeoffrey’s POV. He’s on horseback with Rufus ahead of him with a torch lighting the way, but also getting his beard singed. XD I think this story needs more Rufus in general!

I was a bit confused as to whether we would get a scene with Drake here, but nope, this is Rufus and Jeoffrey returning from Backend Abbey finding the mansion dark, seemingly everyone being a sleep already. Jeoffrey realize how strange that no-one would still be up, immediately thinking the mansion has been raided by Walshingham’s men! :fearful:

Well, Jeoffrey arrives at the truth of Nigel’s betrayal soon enough as one of the sailors left behind to guard the place is woken from his drugged sleep by Jeoffrey and tells him he at of Joan’s pie brought by Nigel. The culprit and reasoning is pretty obvious by then.

Since it would be dangerous to get the crew to pursue Nigel and Kaito, causing a ruckus and more easily make Kaito detected by Walshingham, in the end they decide to wait and believe in Nigel seeing sense - he’s not out to hurt Kaito in the end.

Once Kit and Lily are back at the mansion with Jeoffrey, he sees a timing to ask the question he’s been dying to ask: why is she getting her man Sam to go to the Hoe every evening and what are they searching for? Will she finally spill the beans…?.. dun dun dun

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Chapter 6 thoughts

Kaito wakes up to a truly frightening experience that most people would find completely nightmarish, being in a wooden box while hearing sounds of digging. O_O Matsuoka-sensei is bringing them horror vibes here!

Turns out things aren’t as horrendous as first presumed, but he’s faced with Nigel still set on bringing him to London. Kaito is not impressed! He recognize the depth of Nigel’s fears of loss since his sister died, how traumatic that was for him, but it changes nothing - there will be no cure to tuberculosis in this age of human history. All he wants it so return to Jeoffrey and spend as much time with him (and Nigel) as is afforded him. :sob:

In the end, just as Jeoffrey predicted, Nigel is chance-less once Kaito is awake again. He just can’t deny him what he wants and Nigel’s lacking conviction for his own side of the arguments is showing, he needed Kaito’s okay to continue on to London. And when he didn’t get that, he folds and so he and Kaito returns back to Jeoffrey’s mansion finally.

So, Nigel arrives back with Kaito in tow. Kaito is well taken cared of again, but Nigel has hardly endeared himself to any of the others with this antics. Jeoffrey greets him with a well deserved :boxing_glove: Well, that could have gone so much worse for sure. The chapter ends on a note of relief but also of unresolved tension from Nigel’s actions.
But for Kaito, he knows he belongs with Jeoffrey and there’s no where else he wants to be.

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Chapter 7 thoughts
Kaito and Jeoffrey are talking politics and England’s war efforts and preparations and the dangers of not fully preparing not only weapon supply lines but rather food and provisions for the ships. I though this convo very interesting about the harsh and hidden pitfalls of waging war. In the end, politics creates enemies both outside of a country but also inside of it in times of war. :eyes: But that’s not the only interesting thing happening in this convo. It’s really Kaito showing his love and dedication to Jeoffrey, to them all on Gloria, wanting and wishing them to win the upcoming war, even if he’s not there to see it. :cry: )

Jeofrey is busy writing down what Kaito’s been telling him, so he won’t forget all the helpful facts about the Spanish armada’s fighting power. Kaito is clearly going all out in telling Jeoffrey everything he knows! Makes me wonder how he’s telling Jeoffrey this, since he has only predicted stuff after doing his uranai-role-playing with Jeoffrey, unlike with Vincente. :joy: :mirror:

Language confusion on p 145
According to Jisho 嘲弄 is read ちょうろう meaning scorn, mockery, ridicule. But the furigana spellsout ちょうしょう which should be written 嘲笑 meaning scornful laughter; ridicule; derision; sneer​ according to Jisho. I guess it could be one of those “alterantive readings” uses of furigana, but the slight difference in meaning here and what the purpose of this change is - eludes me. :thinking:

Kit arrives with some disturbing news. He’s spotted some new guy at the local pub asking questions it seems, which means Walshingham is closing in on them again. :fearful: It’s decided they need to get out of the mansion, since it’s just a matter of time before it will be found. Kit is to return to town and do some spying on his own. :man_detective:

Major spoilers
Apparently, Jeoffrey is willing to do literally anything to make sure Kaito is kept away from Walshingham’s cutches, and so, he transfer rights to the mansion onto Nigel along with Gloria! o_o His reason is undeniable in its logic: if he’s arrested there is little chance of him being let go/survive the imprisonment with the brand of prior sins on him. He’s planning for what happens after his own death as much as Kaito has been doing. :cry: Obviously, this plan of leaving Nigel behind to tend to Gloria and her crew, while Jeoffrey is likely to be imprisoned and tortured, isn’t something he’ll accept. So, Jeoffrey involved Joan here to make sure Nigel can’t put a stop to it, using any means she sees fit to bring Nigel away from here so no blame can fall on him as well. Go Joan! :sob: Save Maito!

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Chapter 8 thoughts

They make use of the hidden passageway and escape the mansion undetected, though it’s a hurdle for Kaito who’s considerably weak and need of constant support. :worried:

ngl, I thought it OC for Lily to get all prudish about Jeoffrey’s chat with Kaito. :sweat_smile:

Well, they set up camp in the small cottage. Sam has gotten a fire going so it’s warm and cozy.

New vocab learnt: 臀部 ~ でんぶ ~ buttocks​! XD

I guess it has a more scientific/anatomy feel compared to using ĺ°ť. :thinking:

Big spoilers ahead
Kaito has another close call with bloody phlegm obstructing his breathing. Lovely chapter art even if it’s of sad events. :cry: After resting, Kaito talks a bit with Lily and they come back to Kazuya never appearing on the Hoe as they thought he would. :eyes: Lily talked with Kit about the history of the Celts and now she’s putting together a new interpretation about the time-tunnel, that perhaps the 2 different dates might involve either entrance/exit-timings. :eyes: not sure I understood it all, tbh, but it boils down to the likely date for a time-slip would be Beltane, 1st of May, which is midway between the summer and winter solstices and a Gaelic celebration day.

Fun fact, even today May 1st is a public holiday in Sweden. :slight_smile: Though the reason for that is less to do with ancient customs. That would be the night before, Valborgsmässoafton which is celebrated much like Beltane is, with bonefires and food and drink. As for May 1st it’s been a day of political marches and rallying, allowing people to take part in political life regardless of their affiliations, though historically centered on Arbetarrörelsen, Worker’s rights/labor. Första maj – Wikipedia

More big spoilers
Well, with all that theorizing out of the day, it seems we’re one step closer to unraveling the mystery behind the time slips so far. Now for how to make good use of this information! Which brings us back to Lily’s idea that Kaito should try to get back to the 20 Century and that Kaito will be able to get back to Jeoffrey after fully recovering from Tuberculosis. it’s as good a plan as anything, since there is no help to be had in the 16th Century. Finally, Kaito is thinking about coming clean to Jeoffrey about the truth about himself! :eyes: he just needs to prove it!

Chapter 9 thoughts

Big spoilers
Well, it’s finally time for the big reveal. I can’t even begin to imagine what sort of reaction I’d have if someone laid down this sort of story in my lap. ^^; Well, Kaito starts off with apologizing for lying to Jeoffrey all this time. Then continues with the truth about how he arrived on the Hoe, from the 21th Century. He’s also goes through the “proof” he’s gathered from his belongings, which involves explaining the actual meaning of the contents of his wallet.

Jeoffrey is having a hard time believing in things. But asking Lily about who commanded the English fleet during the fight against the Spanish Armada, she correctly names the Earl of Effingham as commander-in-chief, that Drake would board the Revenge for the final fight as well as the royal lineage of England.

In the end, what brings Jeoffrey over is the sincerity he sees in Kaito’s eyes, his fear of rejection and not being believed. :sob:

With that long and difficult chat done, it’s time for the main point: getting Kaito back to the future where modern medical science has a cure for Tuberculosis. Jeoffrey, takes it in like a champ! :sob: Kaito is simply not aware how dire Jeoffrey’s position is now that he’s fled his own home. Suspicion is quite enough for Walshingham to have him imprisoned, whether Kaito can be found in this world or not. Still, Jeoffrey being the lovable man he is, decides to make sure Kaito is saved not matter what, including hiding what might happen to him once Kaito has left (since knowing that might make Kaito stay until certain death). :sob:

Language musing
Interesting to see 疑わしきは罰せず twisted around to 疑わしきは罪する

Final spoilers for chapter
As much as this chapter is an emotional roller-coaster, it ends with soft-loving notes as Kaito insists on them finally consuming their love for each other (he’s consulted Lily about how to decrease risk of transferal. let’s just say, whether this is realistic or not, I’m not saying no to a lemon! :lemon: :blush: …(but, obviously, the slow burn must continue for a while yet, bitter-sweet kisses are on offer at least.:sob:

Chapter 10 thoughts
This chapter is rounding off some intense highs and lows in this volume. What will happen next is an open question for both Kaito and Jeoffrey, though they’re bound to continue loving each other I feel. ^>^ :sparkling_heart:

Spoilers, and more spoilers
But, it wouldn’t be like Matsuoka-sensei if this farwell didn’t also happen under duress, and so, Walshingham’s subordinates make their move and have already started searching through the mansion, which Kit brings news about. :fearful: They need to make a move, and quick! And of course, the won’t get a quiet moment on the Hoe either, as Joan intercepts them with news after being told by Lily to find them there. Warden and his men are on their way! O_O

I love Jeoffrey’s and Kaito’s, finally honest conversation here, it’s like a huge burden has been lifted even as things look even more dire than ever for both of them. At least they know where they have each other. :cry: Jeoffrey is trying to make his way through the snow and darkness, searching blindly, guided by Kaito’s guesses of where the time-tunnel might appear.

And just as last time, they stumble upon it, only to also be found out by Warden and his men. In the end, Kaito realize that Jeoffrey knew this is how it would end for him - caught by Walshingham. Regardless, he has to go through with things and so, as Kaito disappears into the light, Jeoffrey gives up and allows himself to be taken into custody…

Matsuoka-sensei: you’re killing my heart here! :sob: and that stunning chapter art at the very end. :sob:

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Whew; I’m mega, mega tired, so I only read a portion of chapter 1, but I’m officially here!! It’s so exciting to start this volume out with a mysterious person in a mysterious place, only to find out it’s Meneer and Raul! They’re in Flanders, I think? I haven’t gotten far enough to figure out what Raul is plotting, just far enough to watch Meneer beat up his manservant. >.< Daaang, I can’t believe we’re not done with Raul after the Spain arc; I wonder how he’s going to continue to haunt us. @.@

Looking forward to reading more if work doesn’t kill me tomorrow~ :sparkles:

(Also, I can’t believe it’s been 10 months since @ekg read this apparently.)


lol It’s long enough that I’ll have to reread my comment to answer what it was about. Because Meneer isn’t a name that I immediately recognize. I guess, I’ll just reread and get back to you! :grin:

I’ve been getting pings from the thread for people posting, because I intentionally set it up that way. But, yeah, life’s still so so very busy for me. That I’ve mostly felt like an @£$€ for ignoring it all.

I will reread this though and try to look at the comments so far and I hope that it will help me get back into it, because I dearly need the reading practice and everything if I’m going to Japan in only 2 months! OMG! XDDDD

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This was just me being lazy, haha. Meneer (spelling?) is Jan’s nickname, and I always feel like I’m typing the wrong thing when I type that out, haha.

Naaah, don’t feel that way! We’ve all got a lot going on, and that’s the beauty of online forums: the posts aren’t going anywhere any time soon hopefully!

Ooooh, I’m jealous! You’re gonna have such a fun time!


The AllMightyWaniKani says:


Sounds good enough for me! XD

I’m planning to make some sort of travel blog and hope to see you there so I can chat with you from time to time. I’m just on my own on this trip after all, so having you and others to chat with will be a blast and a joy I think! :heart: I’d love to see you there!


Yes, for sure! Just tag me in it so I make sure I see it; I can’t wait to hear all about your trip!

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I’ll be sure to do that!

I’m off to other stuff now, but let’s keep in tough. :wave: :sparkling_heart:

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Finished chapter 1 today. Finally we learn Raul’s secret evil plan: he’s still butthurt that Geoffrey and co. got away with Kaito, so his plan is to tell Walsingham under the guise of a different spy that Kaito is now working for the Spanish, hence why Vicente let him go so easily. Geoffrey will be so fired up to defend Kaito that he’ll do something stupid to help him (likely) and Geoffrey will also get into hot water and hopefully get sent to the gallows.

I’m curious how this is going to work out given that Raul doesn’t seem to know yet that Geoffrey has already declared that Kaito is still back in Spain. :thinking: I could see Raul figuring out that that’s untrue and instead change plans to leak that Geoffrey lied, which would also be bad for him.

Vicente Raul is convinced is already going to die anyway, so he doesn’t care about him; I’m curious if it’s because he thinks Felipe II is going to execute Vicente for letting Kaito go (which we already know he won’t as of last volume), or if there’s something else behind the scenes we haven’t seen yet. :thinking:

And of course all of this information is delivered as Raul “flirts” creepily with Jan and then proceeds to have sex with him. :face_vomiting: Keeping it classy as always, Raul.

Their relationship is so interesting; I don’t think we’ve been told yet why Jan hasn’t snapped Raul’s neck yet, so Raul must have some hella leverage over him. :\ Jan being impressed after hearing about Vicente dragging Raul behind his horse was pretty funny, haha.

Yes, agreed; the chapter art has great atmosphere!


Read chapter 2 last night instead of my book club books x.x

We jump back to Kaito and Lily; the seasons are turning, and winter’s in the air. Sadly, Kaito’s not doing well. :frowning: This whole chapter is basically one long conversation between him and Lily; they talk about Kaito’s reduced appetite and the foods he can try to eat, spices (we knew Geoffrey was Mr. Moneybags, but they reiterate it here listing all the spices he’s got in stock: cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and pepper), a bit about their own pasts and the sense of unfulfillment they had in life, and other stuff. Looks like Lily’s going to go on the hunt for burdock root, since Kaito says it’s a treat vegetable eaten in Japan; can’t say I’ve ever eaten it myself.

I have to say, I’m kind of shocked how much screentime Lily’s gotten since Kaito’s gotten sick; maybe 松岡先生 really likes her? I’m glad to get a bunch of Lily, but I’m missing my main men here. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Chapter 3 done. What an excellent chapter; we pick up with Geoffrey, who’s turned back to drinking to try to deal with Kaito’s situation, as suddenly Lily calls him for help. Kaito’s got a blood clot stuck in his throat, and Geoffrey eventually has to suck up some of the excess blood via a makeshift straw to clear the way enough for Kaito to cough it up.

(Speaking of which, there was some nice word play here. Lily praises Geoffrey for his quick thinking of substituting a quill for a straw (the drinking tool), and Geoffrey can’t figure out why she would praise him for thinking to use a quill as straw (hay).)

Nigel is furious about the incident when he hears about it; he’s coming to like Lily less and less, it seems, especially as there’s not much she can do to help Kaito, and Kaito’s insistence of having her around instead of a real doctor frustrates him. He tell Geoffrey that he talked to the local Doctor Thomason to try to low-key see if there was anything the two could do to treat someone with tuberculosis, and Thomason mentions a London friend who supposedly has a medicine that can cure TB. Geoffrey doesn’t buy it, and instead warns Nigel about how it could be a trap set by Walsingham. Nigel leaves, still not convinced, and Kit takes his place.

Kit’s been doing some digging on Lily himself, and has found some interesting tidbits of gossip: one, Sam’s been hanging around the Hoe looking for something, and two, no one actually knows Lily’s origin. Geoffrey decides to confront Lily about all this; maaaan, I can’t wait to see what happens!

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And chapter 4 done. This was a comparatively short chapter, and O. M. G.

Nigel was not kidding when he said he’d do anything to help Kaito. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that he would kidnap him to take him to London. Oh lord, this is going to be a mess, isn’t it. For better or worse now Kaito’s determined to lay down the love situation to him at least; that’s also going to be a nest of snakes, I’m sure…

I bet this is incredibly painful to listen to on the drama CD…

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Chapter 5 done. I’m not trying to speedrun, I swear; this chapter was short and I have to know what happens. @.@

So we pick back up with Geoffrey, on his way home from Drake’s place with Rufus. It comes out that Geoffrey wants to take Kaito with him so he can keep an eye on him when they go out to attack the Spanish, assuming Kaito lives that long.

Arriving back at his manor, Geoffrey realizes something is wrong and rushes in, figuring out pretty quick what Nigel did and why. Amazingly, he realizes that he can’t go rushing out after Kaito, what with concerns about Walsingham’s spies; instead, they’ll have to wait and see if Nigel comes back of his own volition or if Kaito can convince him.

In the meantime it’s just him, Lily, and Kit, and Geoffrey takes the opportunity to start questioning Lily on her suspicious behavior. And of course the chapter ends; why, why??? Aaargh. Too many exciting things going on, not enough time.

Honestly, it’s impressive the level of trust Geoffrey has for Nigel even after all this; I hope their friendship remains okay after this. :\

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Chapter 6 finished. We jump back to Nigel and Kaito; I won’t reiterate everything they talk about, but suffice to say Kaito convinces Nigel to take them both back home. Interestingly, while Nigel was able to talk about his feelings for Kaito, Kaito didn’t really converse with him on the subject. Granted, it would have been a poor time to jump in with, “Yeah, sorry, my one and only is back at the house, get over it”, so it’s probably for the best. And the harem lives on

They actually get back to the house this chapter, which drives me crazy for a separate reason: what happened in that conversation with Geoffrey, Kit, and Lilly? Aaaagh, what did she say? What do they know now?

This was intense; I knew it was probably just Nigel doing something non-threatening, but still, that fear of being buried alive… And given all the situations Kaito’s been in so far, it’s unhappily more possible than I would care to admit.

Ugh, I’m wondering how this is going to resolve; Geoffrey’s already threatened to throw Nigel off the Gloria once; I hope it doesn’t come to that again.

Edit: and chapter 7 as well. (At this point I’m just reading until someone from work pings me; hopefully it won’t happen anytime soon. :crossed_fingers:)

Back with Geoffrey; he’s been discussing England’s upcoming plans to deal with the Armada’s invasion, and Kaito divulges some “foretellings” about how the English supplies are going to run out sooner than expected. He also details quite a bit about Spain’s situation in the conflict, since he’s not sure if he’ll live long enough to see the actual battle. Geoffrey intends on sending all this info to Drake, but before he can finish writing it all down, Kit comes in with news that a stranger’s been spotted in town.

While we don’t know much about the stranger yet, everyone goes on high alert and decide to err on the side of being overly cautious: they’ll vacate Geoffrey’s manor and (unknown to Kaito) transfer over all of Geoffrey’s assets (including the Gloria) to Nigel. :fearful: Man, this has escalated really quickly; I hope the stranger is someone else and not one of Walsingham’s men… The thought of Nigel being the captain of the Gloria is bizarre.

Just as a note here, I’m pretty sure Nigel’s cook’s name is Joe (ジョー) and is male.


Chapter 8 done. Man, I might need to go back later to take down specific details, but it boils down to this: Lily’s interrogation at the hands of Geoffrey and Kit came down to nothing, but it got her thinking again about the tunnel and when it could possibly open. I’m not 100% sure I followed her chain of logic; from what I remember it seems that the theory is is that the tunnel does open on the winter/summer solstice, the date based off of the one the Gregorian calendar reflects.

That still doesn’t sound quite right, so I’ll need to compare notes with pyororon when they read this far…

Anyway, Kaito’s decided to finally confess the full truth to Geoffrey, now that it seems the tunnel’s next opening is only a few days away. I wish Kit and Nigel were here for this; I want everyone to be present to hear the news. :frowning:

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