I kind of took a break from WK for almost a year, but didn’t put myself on vacation mode until my reviews were well over 1000
Today for the first time I’ve managed to get down to 0!!! I feel back on track. I know it’s not over yet and I have to say that “death” feels about right (level 22) but with a bit of luck I’ll live long enough to get to the end - feeling positive and wanted to share!
Hopefully a message of hope if anyone else has got themselves into this predicament.
I’d love some “wow” type comments please - don’t think my family realise what an effort this is!
I know the feeling! I’ve stoped WK for a month at a time and coming back to a mountain of reviews is crazy intimidating I’m still sitting on a 1,400 stack from winter break but I guess I should start chipping away at it now…
I have to say I’ve never had that many reviews (in Anki) since I haven’t missed a day yet; however, I have had about 700 reviews in a day before and that was not pleasant, so congrats on chipping away at your reviews and getting it to 0. I could never imagine having well over 1000 to do! After getting it back down to the big 0 do you feel a lot more motivated to continue learning, making sure that your reviews stay at 0 and push through the “death” stage?
Thank you Konsei! It’s crazy how things go wrong so fast isn’t it! Don’t know about you, but I have had that demoralising feeling that all the reviews were sinking back towards apprentice as I’d forgotten so much. So now apprentice is down to “only” about 300 and I feel like I’m closing the valve and pushing things back up again. More enlightened items than apprentice for the first time. It has taken me about 3 months or more. 頑張って with your stack!
_josh thank you for your reply! Yes I’m 100% more motivated and feeling that I might actually make some progress in the foreseeable future. Getting from “Death” to “Hell” implies that is has still to get worse of course… gritting my teeth… but people do manage it! I want to be one of them! I also want to be able to read Japanese!
Hi Tip, thank you so much for your support. Can I just say that if anyone can do this without trying pretty hard, I take my hat off to them. Even before I got to 50 I don’t think my memory was that great so now, well you can imagine, takes a LOT of repetition for things to stick. But it has to be good for me, right? Also, level 35, wowee, fantastic, well done! (Is it hell?!)
Good morning from Hell. Actually the weather is kinda nice here compared to Death. I almost quit in the Deaths because the burns were coming too hot and heavy. It was too much for my almost 50 year old memory to handle. My apprentice count went way up and I stopped doing lessons for a few months until it went down into the 50s. Congratulations on your big comeback… hope you stick around a while.