Over the past few weeks I have worked down my pile of several hundred reviews, and today I got it down to zero! I’m proud and want to share this Yay!
Congrats and お疲れ様です!
ive been working down from 700 or so reviews bc I took time off WK to study grammar for the JLPT (and then took a break over the holidays oops)
currently just under 400
wow bro, nvm the 0 reviews, congrats on 4K burns!
Congrats! It’s the best feeling when you get a large review pile down to 0. Good luck with the rest of your climb!
Have fun with the Kana vocab
Good job! Yoku Yatta!
I know the feeling. Great work getting it down. When I was on holiday it had slowly built up. I didn’t have the time to complete them. But I started to get very stressed and easily irritated knowing that the list had gotten so long. One of the nights I spent a few hours and got it back down to zero. I think I finished at 2am, and there were over 500 reviews. It felt great knowing it was back down, but the affect was felt for many more months. For example, the next day I had 300 again, the day after 300 again. A week later a big chunk came back, etc.
Keep things up and it’ll all work out. Now I’m down to less than 100 reviews daily, and I’m hoping soon it’ll get much lower
Level Up!!! It’s my first level up in well over 1000 days. I’m stoked
It’s really nice to reach level 31 and get new lessons again. I saw that I got about 65 new lessons, which feels like nothing after the hundreds I’ve worked through over the past couple of months. Awesome! I feel my schedule is really sustainable now and it feels quietly satisfying.
Here’s my Apprentice/Guru/etc. stats now:
Onwards and upwards!