Finally beat the first 10 levels..... in one year

It’s just populating a spreadsheet every day with a 5:00 am ping. shrug

Nah your pace is just fine I’ve been here since 2013 and I’m not even through half the levels yet (although there were only 50 levels back when I started haha).

I ended up taking a long break at level 22 because school and life got too busy, and it got to the point where I couldn’t do reviews at all because I had forgotten even most of my burnt items, so I ended up resetting to level 1 about a year and a half ago.

My biggest piece of advice: Don’t fret about not having time to go through new lessons; just focus on doing at least a few reviews each day or every few days so that you can retain what you’ve already learned.

That’s what I’m doing right now and even though I’ve been on the same level for the past few months (haven’t started going through the lessons yet - actually, still haven’t gotten through all the vocab lessons for the last level I was on), I feel good about where I’m at because I’m keeping up with reviews so although I’m not necessarily moving forwards too fast, I’m not moving backwards either and I am getting to know the items I’ve already learned better.

TLDR; Learning things slowly and knowing them well > Cramming to go fast, hitting a wall, burning out and forgetting everything
(Not to say you can’t go fast and still learn things well, but it depends on your personal situation I guess. Do whatever works best for you :slight_smile: )

Edit: Forgot to take a screenshot of my graph before resetting :frowning: but here it is for after:

I find it at least a little surprising that I’m the only one who didn’t actually start WaniKani immediately after finding out about it.
Naturally, this graph annoys me TO NO END.


No worries :stuck_out_tongue: I started 18 days after creating an acc ^^ I thought WK was an app, so I registered on the website, installed the Android app and became confused because nothing made sense and I didn’t know what to do :roll_eyes:

Oh God, please no xD


Lol don’t worry, my start (in 2014) wasn’t that great either. :sweat_smile:


I got to level 18 in one year (soon to level up to 19), and even though my progress is a lot slower than I had hoped, I still try to keep pushing forward every day. Any progress is better than no progress at all, and I’m having a real struggle to keep WK up and still keep up practicing grammar, reading and everything else…
I have questioned myself many times if I really have what it takes to learn Japanese, and my progress does damage my motivation more than I like to, but my passion for the language always give me new motivation and reminds me that I shouldn’t give up!

Good luck with your new goal! I hope we see each other on the other side (however long it may take).

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Haha holy crap, kudos to you on picking it up eventually though

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Naw, same here! When I found this site I was still hung up on Memrise for some reason.
Came back here this January with a completely different mind-set, ready to get my kanji fix. :relaxed:


y’all should try clicking those tall bars distorting the charts


Yeah, I noticed. It makes the data work, but the graph is still an eyesore lmao

It makes the graph look much better

As kumi said, it makes things more centered.

By the way, I registered mid 2012 but only started last December. 1945 days between registration and “true” start.


I breezed into level 6, and got myself into quite a pickle. Took a few days off(on accident) and… well, here I still am, with hundreds of lessons and hundreds of reviews. Trying to come back tho. If all goes well, I’ll report back in about a week.


Um…how to say this… am I the only one who started using WK 3 years after discovering it ? ^^
My graph is something else really, level 2 took me like 1200 days xD because at that time I didn’t wanted to use paid ressources to learn japanese so i just wasn’t using WK ^^


Well gosh now I feel silly for thinking I’m special haha

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Soooo, you’re not if we consider >= 3 years, rather than exactly three years.

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Y’all make me feel better about the 75 days I spent on level two :smile:

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This must be a level 2 thing. I did just the same - 193 days!

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