I’ve since reset, but I tried to max speed the fast levels (or, I aimed for 4-5 days per level). I was getting between 300 and 500 reviews per day, which to be honest wasn’t too horrible as long as I stayed on top of them. Hardest part was probably keeping up with the 0/0 challenge, but if I wasn’t doing that I would’ve fallen behind on vocab lessons (since I use a reorder script to do new radicals and kanji right away). I don’t really think it’s possible to max speed without reordering.
I’m also coming up on the fast levels again and I’m planning to max speed them again, I think what I learned last time is to try your best to keep kanji reviews all in one big pile and do them as soon as they come up. If they’re all getting reviewed at different times, then keeping under like 4.5 days means setting late night alarms, which I did from time to time. Here’s my graph from when I did them: