Been neglecting listening/watching lately, so not much progress. I’m hoping to focus more attention on that in 2023.
I watched Blue Period, Komi S2 and Cowboy Bebop. As well as the Cowboy Bebop movie. Was surprised how well I did with bebop considering there were no subs involved. I liked blue period the most. Also watched Old Enough! and the way of the househusband live action, these were short episodes and very good.
Thanks everyone! Per the poll, I made a new thread here! And did not include a wiki post for tracking stuff.
Feel free to migrate over there in the new year if you got anything out of this thread, or if you didn’t!
And happy new year / congratulations on any and all progress! I know I feel like my listening comprehension got a lot more like, “casually pretty good,” if that makes sense, this year. Probably from all the movies and wrestling and whatnot!