I’ve been trying to find a place inside Europe that sells jlpt books. I’m looking for sou matome n3 or new kanzen master n3 books but haven’t been able to find them. Amazon failed me (lol) and verasia.de doesn’t have all books in stock (and doesn’t even ship to Finland, oh well).
Amazon Japan was much cheaper to order from than any European book store, plus the delivery time was like 2-3 days (to NL). Japanese textbooks tend to be way, WAY overpriced here compared to Amazon Japan I’d definitely recommend just ordering from there instead.
I ordered my books from Amazon Japan. You might have to pay for custom fees, but even then, it’s still cheaper than buying them from anywhere else. They also arrived super quickly considering they had to go through customs and fly across the world.
Think I spent 75 euro on 4 books total.
Bought all my stuff on Amazon.co.jp.
The best part is that the customs are cleared by them, because you pay them in advance.
So no driving to the customs office.
Although if your country doesn’t charge import taxes (in the UK you only pay on orders worth over £135) it’s kind of annoying that they charge you and then refund you later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you sure Verasia doesn’t ship to Finland from their international website (verasia.eu instead of .de)? They should according to their FAQ.
I have ordered a vocab book from jpbooks.co.uk before as well.
I personally rarely bother with buying from outside of Europe since almost everything above 22 euro gets slapped with an import fee + administrative costs in my country.
Same here.
Looked everywhere to find graded readers books in germany or somewhere close by.
Its either overpriced or you wont find anything at all.
Took a closer look at Amazon.co.jp and ordered there.
With all the extra costs its still cheaper, so ill order there from now on.
I use http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/ for JLPT books. I know it’s not in Europe, but I’ve never been charged import fees when receiving stuff (I’m in Ireland) and they seem to be a very reliable shop. Only had a few orders, but they’ve all been good.