I had the privilege to visit Japan last month finally! It was incredible and I was happy to have the chance to practice some Japanese. However, I made an embarrassing mistake and used “otsukare sama deshita” instead of “gochisosama deshita” when leaving the restaurant to thank the staff. I did say Arigatou gozaimasu, but in my excitement to express gratitude and practice language, I totally messed up :((( I hope no one felt offended and I feel utterly mortified
With any luck, they might have thought you worked there as well and had just finished your shift
Well prepare for this to happen a few more times is the best advice I can give you. No one will be offended, you are learnig their language it’s flattering.
You can’t learn without being brave and actually speaking. I made so many really really embarrassing mistakes in Japan. But I also spoke every day, and met people. This would not have happened if I had not decided to be bold.
I told nice people from Kobe on a shuttle plane that I would be meeting my egg in Japan.
I got yelled at by a bus driver, through the speaker “No! No!”
I would go on, but it only gets more embarrassing.
Did you mean friend?
However did you know?
I would actually like to practice some comically wrong things to say for my next trip.
This wasn’t me and it wasn’t Japanese, but my brother was in Thailand, and his friend, after bumping into someone and meaning to say “Excuse me”, messed up and instead said “Watch out, I’m about to fart!”
You thought you could do a zero death run of learning Japanese? Muahaha!
Jk. These lessons stick with us forever and are part of the learning process. I think I told a chef 甘い when I meant to say 上手い. Yesterday the people at Hotto Motto laughed because after they said sorry for the delay, I said 大丈夫です!instead of just saying はーい!
I bet he got excused pretty quickly.
At least you didn’t mix up うんこ and あんこ。
My hat for the embarrassing pile – talking about a local bay in my home state and the fact that the water is brackish (aka, partially salt and partially fresh)…except I mixed up しお (salt) and さとう (sugar).
Needless to say, there was some confusion.
The best thing is when you go to pick up your daughter from 幼稚園 and the teacher doesn’t try to communicate with you because she can’t speak English even though you have told her to speak Japanese to you for you can understand more than you can produce.
(I reset from level 22 back to 1 after too long of a break.)
We had one local silly cartoon about aliens, and there was one joke, which seems to be made for situations like this. The line in question was “It looks like sh*t, and tastes even better!”
Hahaha been there done that but I said ご苦労さまでした! They laughed.
Not as embarrassing as blurting out 金玉 in Japanese class when I meant to say round
This reminds me of my first trip to Japan, pre-WaniKani and pre-serious learning. My friend took me out for yakiniku…
Friend: Did you eat enough?
Me: Yes! お腹おっぱい!
I didn’t understand why he looked so mortified at first, and of course after he explained I was so embarrassed it took a few days for me to try to try to speak Japanese again, haha. Good times…