You’re doing your reviews, and you’re asked for the reading of a kanji, and not only do you know it, but you know the meaning too! And then a few minutes later, it comes up again asking for the meaning, and this time, despite confidently knowing it a moment ago, you swear that you have never seen this kanji before in your life!
How and why do our brains manage to temporarily forget something so quickly?
Or is it just my brain?
Any other weird brain and memory stuff come up for people while doing their reviews?
I have all too often the situation where I fail a word in KaniWani or Anki, read the correct answer to myself a few times, and then fail it again 40 more times before I finally get it right… and forget it 3 seconds later.
It happen to me a lot. Especially this 万… Like i just answered it wrong and then i look at how its read and then three kanji later, i don’t know how to read it again It’s kind of frustrating… It’s been happening 2 days in a row now lol… My brain refuses to recognize this kanji i think
Don’t worry about 万 too much; when you reach the level where you can start looking at native materials more, it will become a challenge NOT to recognize 万, haha. It’s everywhere.
I sometimes mix up 万 and 方 in WaniKani reviews, but it never happens in context. So don’t worry too much about what happens in WK as long as you’re learning somehow.
story of my life, i call it brain farts. there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to it either, it just happens, also the “voices”. i decided to ignore it and installed override.
The wildest is when I easy write the reading for a kanji but can’t remember the meaning. Like, how is my brain remembering that reading instantly with no mnemonic, but can’t tell me the reading?
I think I mentioned this somewhere else in the forum but anyway, sometimes when I see the meaning question first, I look at the screen and think “I have never seen this before” but when I see it as a reading question it is crystal clear and with meaning as bonus. I wonder if I should be happy about it in the end or not. I mean I remember both in the end but it doesn’t feel right