Difference between 閉める vs 閉じる


I recently learned both the vocabulary for 閉める and 閉じる, both of which mean “to close”, but I can’t really put my finger on what the difference between these two terms are. In the example sentences 閉める has a sentence about closing a bottle with a cap, while the 閉じる sentence talks about closing a laptop. Does anyone know the distinction between these two words? Thanks!


What I saw on jisho, is that 閉じる can be transitive and intransitive, while 閉める is transitive.
閉じる also seems more versatile to use. close eyes, a meeting, etc.
You usually hear 閉める as close a door, a book.
That may just be my experience, though.

There’s this, but I don’t know how much you can trust it.

Also this:

  • 閉しめる – transitive. To (physically) close something.
    「ドアを閉める」 close a door
    「門を閉める」 close a gate
    「店を閉める」 close a shop / shut down a business
  • 閉とじる – transitive / intransitive.
    intransitive: “for something to close” “to come to an end”
    「ドアが閉じる」 a door closes
    「つぼみが閉じる」 a flower bud closes
    「店が閉じる」 a shop/business closes permanently
    「会が閉じる」 a meeting ends
    transitive: “to close something” “to bring something to an end”
    「目を閉じる」 close one’s eyes
    「口を閉じる」 close one’s mouth
    「傘を閉じる」 close an umbrella
    「店を閉じる」 shut down a business permanently
    「歴史を閉じる」 end its history
    「生涯を閉じる」 end one’s lifetime -> to die

According to this dictionary, 閉じる is more used with 目, 口, 本, 傘, and 閉める with 引き出し, 門.


閉める is “to close (transitively).” Never “to be closed.”

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Woops sorry, I got confused there. I meant that both mean “to close”.

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