Death Note | Week 2 Discussion

I’ve finished Chapter 1. Few things:

Page 50
Nice to see 10 kanji in a row, when in English it’s simply Interpol meeting :slight_smile:

Page 52
Here is the rule #3 and translation printed in manga:

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person’s name, it will happen.

English version is totally missing the part of 人間界単位! (Sort of: …within the human realm unit of time equa to 40 seconds)

Page 52, Rule 5 - is this a logical error??
Rule 5: After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Logical contradiction

This rule means that the Death Note system should have a waiting period of 6m40s after the cause of death is written, so that the user can add details. When dealing with the biker, Light had written 事故死 for all names, and I do not think there was a time skip of 6m40s before car accident has happened.

Love to hear your thoughts on the matter!