Hey all, a little bit confused because I read on the WK blog that if a single radical makes up a whole kanji, like in the case of 十, the mnemonic will match the kanji’s meaning. But WK calls the radical “cross”, rather than ten. I learned it previously as ten. Is it just a one off, or are there more like this? It just puts me off that I might not be learning the actual meaning and just a WK invented mnemonic.
I guess it’s no big deal, it just threw me off a little. Thanks!
Where does the WK blog say that? There’s plenty of radicals that have names different to the kanji they match. Though, if the radical is introduced after the kanji, they do tend to match. WaniKani does this sometimes to simplify the mnemonics of later kanji - WaniKani’s radicals are more mnemonic components than radicals, and certainly don’t match any official list of radicals.
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