Complementary material for WaniKani?

So I’m moving to Japan in 2 months and know very little Japanese. WaniKani has been awesome so far in keeping me engaged with learning Japanese but I was recently recommended to learn helpful terms instead of this. I plan to continue WaniKani while I am in Japan but would anyone have any material to help me quickly learn as much Japanese as possible in 2 months. (If it helps I am unemployed and have been studying for a couple hours each day but I have time to do more).

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You will definitely want to complement your WK learning with grammar. Here’s a bunch of free grammar references and teaching materials:


WK’s vocab is chosen to reinforce the kanji you learn and doesn’t necessarily prioritise the most commonly used terms. It also doesn’t highlight when you learn the kanji form of things commonly written in kana alone. Perhaps consider using anki / torii / kitsun to drill the 10k most common words if you want to focus on what you’re most likely to encounter.

The youtube channel of CureDolly also helped me a lot with important grammar basics. It got me on track to start reading native content, along with BunPro.

Otherwise, as @athomasm said, the forum has a lot of resources, both free and paid, so glance around, I’d say. :slight_smile: Best of luck!


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