I just got a external bluetooth keyboard to be able to finally start doing reviews on my phone (typing on the phone is way to slow to do reviews). However I found a few bugs that prevents me from using this app. I’ve reported them in the github project. Especially issue 7 is showstopper for me, if this would be fixed I would start using this app right away instead of doing the reviews in the browser. The userscripts the app has ported is just so great I really want to use it.
Is this still being updated?
Hello. I just pushed a new update to the Play Store. While it doesn’t bring much great stuff, it brings you basic notifications (sorry it took so long). It also brings a lot of visual fixes that had to arrive much much sooner but didn’t. You can see a full changelog on the app’s listing page.
Development has been going very very slow. To a point that you could call it dead, actually. I can’t tell you how much I’ll be working on the app in the future but I’ll try to provide important fixes and hopefully a native review system once the API for it is available.
A full native app would be awesome. And maybe different theme options?
Basvdelsen said...And maybe different theme options?Sorry, I don't have any plans of adding theme options for the time being.
Hey. I love the app, use it constantly.
Couple of bugs I’ve noticed and thought I’d point out to you here. I’m sure you’ve noticed yourself though.
Firstly when you go into the radical, kanji or vocab list, you can only view levels up to 50. Can’t even see options for up to 60.
Secondly, while the total number of items seems to show correctly under the “SRS” section of the dashboard, the enlightened items is reading the same number as the master items, which in my case is very incorrect.
Thank you so much for adding notifications, it’s the only feature that I was missing. Is it possible to have a bit more control over them? Like how in the other Wanikani app you can modify the frequency of updates to them. Rather than them seemingly popping up at random and never updating when your review count increases.
Thanks again for the app, it’s beautiful. If I could I’d definitely take advantage of the source code you’ve provided. If only…
I loved this app but I’m getting notifications since the update and can’t see a toggle anywhere. I want rid of them. Am I missing it?
PsiAdster said…you can only view levels up to 50. Can’t even see options for up to 60.I just updated the levels count to 60.
PsiAdster said…Secondly, while the total number of items seems to show correctly under the “SRS” section of the dashboard, the enlightened items is reading the same number as the master items, which in my case is very incorrect.Yes, it was a ridiculous mistake in the code. It’s fixed now.
PsiAdster said…Is it possible to have a bit more control over them? Like how in the other Wanikani app you can modify the frequency of updates to them. Rather than them seemingly popping up at random and never updating when your review count increases.Notifications are displayed according to the next review date/time. Other than that, there are reminder notifications. These show up as long as you have reviews or lessons waiting for you, and a specific time interval has passed since one was last shown. I’ve added this interval to settings, you can change it there. You can also, turn the reminder notifications off altogether.
Yasawas said…While I had implemented the option functionality, it wasn’t there in settings. I’ve added it now.
I loved this app but I’m getting notifications since the update and can’t see a toggle anywhere. I want rid of them. Am I missing it?
That being said, I’ve pushed a new update to the Play Store with the aforementioned changes. The update should be available on your devices within a few ours.
Excellent, thanks!
Amazing update Xip! Maybe add a dontate button to the app so we can buy you a beer!
Thank you. Your app is the reason why my Wanikani progress is consistent and successful.
This is a long shot and incredibly cheeky, but would it be possible to incorporate xMunch’s Wanikani Reorder Ultimate script into your app?
The only time I ever use Wanikani on my desktop or my Surface is when I want to knock out my previous level’s items before moving on to newly unlocked items. Not that I have a problem with using the desktop, but I can never do this at work or when generally away from said devices.
Thanks a lot, and I agree with above. Would love you buy you a drink.
Amazing app! Really like it
isx said...Maybe add a dontate button to the app so we can buy you a beer!I might do something for donations soon. Thanks.
PsiAdster said......would it be possible to incorporate xMunch's Wanikani Reorder Ultimate script into your app?Looks like it could require a good amount of work. I don't think I can work on it, sorry. Also, when the API for reviews and lessons becomes available, all the current work on userscripts will be trashed, so...
Are you supposed to need to log in using username & password to do reviews? I thought everything was handled by API Key. :(
makenshi said... Are you supposed to need to log in using username & password to do reviews? I thought everything was handled by API Key. :(the API is read-only, you can't do reviews with just an API key
makenshi said... Are you supposed to need to log in using username & password to do reviews? I thought everything was handled by API Key. :(Hmm. It shouldn't; only requires the API for me? Ahh I see, I had to log out all the way to see the next log in screen again :P
Does anyone have the same problem that some Kanji don’t get displayed correctly?
It shows the Kanji for sea, ocean like this, but it should look like this: 海
I did my lessons on my PC and noticed that the Kanji looked different while doing reviews on my phone. But when I look it up, it’s displayed correctly (maybe because it’s another font?). And again, when I click the world symbol which links me to the Kanji page on wanikani, it shows again the “wrong” display of it with the radical drawer instead of window.
Another Kanji with the same problem is this one: 直
nice. I’ll be downloading this =)
seoki said... Does anyone have the same problem that some Kanji don't get displayed correctly?Yes, I've noticed this before and I think I've seen it come up on the forums once or twice.
I did my lessons on my PC and noticed that the Kanji looked different while doing reviews on my phone.
I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with wk, or the app. It's just that your phone uses a different font or something for the kanji, when rendering in the phone's browser. (Potentially chinese versions, I'm not really sure)
But it is something to keep an eye out for, when doing reviews. No fix that I know of, unfortunately.
It’s easy to fix if you have root access:
Or you can do the reviews from the mobile browser.