This project is a continuation of WaniKani for Android. I wanted to continue using it after V1 API was shut off, so I updated most of the application to use the V2 API.
There are some things I haven’t gotten to yet (including notifications, recent unlocks/critical item display in the dashboard, and support for vacation mode) - however all the functionality I thought important works.
Are you by chance under the impression that the two apps are by the same developer?
I am the author of WK for Android. For a while now, I hadn’t been able to maintain it, and with the new API, decided it was finally time to discontinue. @mrothberg37 figured he’ll pick up the baton and change the name to something good while at it.
Hi @mrothberg37
Happy to see back this app in the play store! In my case I’m a UX designer and I would like to collaborate with u if possible to make it even better i find the app is awesome and it would be a pleasure to make it the best! Or at least chat about it.
@mrothberg37 Heya! I’m interested in contributing if I can, though I’ve never done Android dev before (I’m a JavaScript dev). Is there a particular IDE/setup you’d recommend that I could install to help me poke around the project?
I started looking at notifications a little bit, and I have a decent understanding of how they used to work. It looks like the app had the ability to set a reminder interval (30, 45, 60…360 minutes), and then whenever the phone would unlock the app would create a notification if the selected time had passed (and there were reviews or lessons waiting).
Is that same functionality what you would want in a notification feature? Do you have any ideas for how you would like notifications to work in general including any specific ways you would like to configure them? I’m open to ideas.