Hey all, just wondering if something like this exists:
If you try to navigate to any website while you have reviews pending, it automatically redirects you to the review page.
I have a need for something like this, (since i often just straight up forget throughout the day ) and was wondering if it existed. I did a cursory search but couldn’t find much. If it doesn’t exist, maybe I will make it!
This reminds me that I was wondering if someone made an extension that pops clickable banner notifications when reviews roll in (like how OGS natively has for when it’s your turn in a game, so I think it’s possible to implement). If you just forget then maybe something like that is enough?
If something like that exists, I don’t know how to find it
Is your email reminder set to daily? Is a daily email not enough to remind you to check WK?
There’s a list of all the third party scripts and things on the forum here: /t/The-New-And-Improved-List-Of-API-and-Third-Party-Apps/7694/1
In the section under Chrome extensions there are several that will give you notifications, although none of them will redirect you to the reviews page without you clicking on them, as far as I know. Hopefully that helps.
dtward16 said... Is your email reminder set to daily? Is a daily email not enough to remind you to check WK?I don't think he means that he forgets to check for a whole day. The first thing I do every morning is clear my queues, but there are times when I know I have some current level reviews at a specific time (thanks to Ultimate Timeline) and then I'll forget about it and they'll sit there for a few hours.
I’d love this, because I have a tendency to subconsciously open a new tab and start browsing the web whenever I hit a review that I’m stuck on for a minute. Before I’ve really even noticed, I’ve wasted 10 minutes reading useless crap, when I could be studying.
I personally use a modified version of this /t/WaniKani-Rainmeter-Windows/1108/1
The modifications I added are just a huge lit indicator that changes color depending on how many reviews I have. I’ve also set it up to start flashing red if I have too many (I also have a bar under my taskbar that will also flash red, thanks to transparency it will show up even if I can’t see my desktop). Basically the modifications are just to annoy me until I do it … I’ve not needed that yet though
Hmm, so far looks like nothing exists that does exactly this. I will investigate!
You’re asking for a browser hijacker, it would be considered malware
Would it help to modify your profile (“under the hood”) and get your browser to go to the wanikani page every time you open a new tab?
mgs2ss said... I'd love this, because I have a tendency to subconsciously open a new tab and start browsing the web whenever I hit a review that I'm stuck on for a minute. Before I've really even noticed, I've wasted 10 minutes reading useless crap, when I could be studying.i do this and honestly i think it's fine, at least for me
if i forced myself to do all reviews at once if i have a huge stack instead of just letting myself have a break, i would just end up not doing any reviews at all. Then again I have adhd
I check wk obsessively and though i'm normally pretty good about it amazingly enough, I would like the popup notification since I do sometimes forget
Might like to investigate this particular userscript by mempo /t/Userscript-Wanikani-Procrastination-Annihilation/11253/1
It’s only intended to stop you from using the forums instead of doing your reviews, but it’ll do exactly what you want if you can just modify it to:
-> Have it run on all pages
-> Change the trigger from clicking forum link to (whatever really, like clicking anywhere?)
wunderbunny’s suggestion is actually a brilliant idea
It would be cool if you could set the amount of reviews that you’re forced to do. Like, say I have ~100 reviews to do. Of course I don’t want to do all 100 just to open a new page, that would take forever.
But if I had the option to do…say…5, or 10…even 20 at a time, I could slowly chip away at that number before I actually sit down for a session.
This would be beneficial as I am constantly dodging my reviews… though I could easily just turn the script off too, haha.
I used to use LeechBlock on Firefox a lot; there are various Chrome equivalents, like Block Site. If there are any sites you waste a lot of time on you can have have the add-on redirect you to WaniKani, either all the time or only at certain times.
I used to use it to redirect myself from Twitter to my email during work hours It worked really well!
JackTsuchiyama said... This would be beneficial as I am constantly dodging my reviews... though I could easily just turn the script off too, haha.I would totally end up doing this in the end.