[Chrome Extension] WaniKani Highlighter

This extension highlights your WaniKani kanji and vocabulary on webpages that you visit.

Download/install from the Chrome Store. Requires your WaniKani API key.

* Clicking on the color preview brings up a color picker.
* If the extension doesn’t work well on a website you visit, you can add it to the Exclude List. The extension will not highlight on websites in the exclude list.
* There is option for opacity just in case there is furigana and you don’t want the highlight to cover it.



Sweet ! I’m going to try this. Thank you.

Btw, if you click on the color preview, it brings up a color picker.

Great thing! So useful.

I was using this script before that was doing the same thing.
The only issue was that some sites started giving errors when I had that enabled. (for example, google spreadsheets)
I really liked it so I’m glad there is a plugin now that does a similar thing.
The script changed colors based on your level on the kanji, perhaps that is something that might be implemented one day, which would be nice.

Nice work, and thank you for sharing!

Just found out that having this extension enabled breaks a script I’m using on kaniwani.
Mempo kindly made an anki script for me that sort of works like a “speed mode” when I’m doing my reviews there, and whenever I use it and press “1” to count the answer correct, it inserts a string like the one I’ll link below, instead of moving on to the next item.

<ruby><rb>前回</rb><rp>(</rp><rt style=“font-size:7pt”>ぜんかい</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>
screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ar120n

I already notified Mempo too. I’m not sure if it’s easily fixed, or not, but just wanted to let you know this problem exists, in case there are ever any other issues that might be related.

I’ll just play around with enabling/disabling it for now.

Thank you!

For any sites that may not work well with this extension, you can add the site to the “Exclude List” so that the extension will not highlight on it.

Amenophyckxs said... Just found out that having this extension enabled breaks a script I'm using on kaniwani.
Mempo kindly made an anki script for me that sort of works like a "speed mode" when I'm doing my reviews there, and whenever I use it and press "1" to count the answer correct, it inserts a string like the one I'll link below, instead of moving on to the next item.
<ruby><rb>前回</rb><rp>(</rp><rt style="font-size:7pt">ぜんかい</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>
screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ar120n

I already notified Mempo too. I'm not sure if it's easily fixed, or not, but just wanted to let you know this problem exists, in case there are ever any other issues that might be related.

I'll just play around with enabling/disabling it for now.

Thank you!
I couldn't find the thread for his/her script. If you could refer him/her to this post, that would be great.

I don't think I could fix this issue on my end. So, looking through his/her script as located here, I think the following change should (probably) fix the issue.

Change (on line 30):

var answer = $('#detailKanji p').html().substr(0,$('#detailKanji p').html().indexOf("<br>") -1);


var answer = $("<span>").html($('#detailKanji p').html().split("<br>")[0].trim()).text();
rickkwa said...I couldn't find the thread for his/her script. If you could refer him/her to this post, that would be great.
I'll let him know :)
Also, his thread is here: /t/Userscript-Kaniwani-Anki-Mode/12557/1
Amenophyckxs said...
rickkwa said...I couldn't find the thread for his/her script. If you could refer him/her to this post, that would be great.
I'll let him know :)
Also, his thread is here: /t/Userscript-Kaniwani-Anki-Mode/12557/1
 Solved and updated my script.

Thanks for the solution OP!

Can there be an option in which you decide what exactly to highlight, whether kanji or vocabulary?

Any chance for a Firefox add-on in the future? :slight_smile:

this is an awesome plugin because it keeps me from looking words uo i should know.

HOWEVER: there is one problem. it is completely broken.

when using it on my machine it keeps refreshing google.com until i get blocked by google.

also it breaks google translate for any website using kanji (means chinese and japanese websites)

also it breaks rikaikun (a japanese dictionary)

i am aware that the user is not active anymore but i hope that someone knows them and can make them to release the code

Hey. Anyone wanna try to do smth with this script? It won’t work with APIv2. Mb someone interesting in this script? I think It’s pretty usefull. It’s like wordology for wk users.

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This is amazing!! since it uses the API, does that mean that I wont see level 4 words highlighted?