Oh I actually missed that. That’s on you though.
Fair. Could’ve been clearer
Checked my Japanese books and it did mention that の can be used at the end of the sentence to make a sentence but that it’s not normally used by men and it didn’t say ん is basically doing the same thing. Will watch the video
A bare の is feminine but I believe that のだ・んだ are not.
But here it is not
It is before だ/です, it’s a different kind of の.
In takoboto there is a のだ entry, it says it is N3 level grammar.
And a separate entry for sentence ending の. Also as N3.
Both being N3, if your book explains one, it should also talk about the other (but as it encompasses an academic year, it may also be that one is taught at the beginning and the other by the end… but it should be there)
It was mentioned in Japanese from zero book 2 and I someone on Japanese from zero Reddit thought んです was mentioned in book 5 but I don’t have book 5 so I don’t know and the Japanese from zero books aren’t n3 so everything isn’t nescarily mentioned if it’s technically a higher level grammar point. I’ve seen んです is n5 to n4