Best WK stats generator?

I see here and there WK users posting screenshots of some pretty fancy-looking stat readouts. What are your favorite stat generators or apps that show and track progress? I’d ideally want one that shows the dates that each level was reached, and projected dates for reaching the next level - if such an app exists. Thanks!

Mostly I use this nifty site:
It includes level times and more importantly the learned kanji in relation to JLPT
Another one is

Any reason why they don’t incorporate all of this stuff into WaniKani?  This site has the best userbase I’ve ever seen.  Seriously, I’ve never seen so many awesome people making such cool stuff for fellow site users.

Macchan said... Mostly I use this nifty site:
It includes level times and more importantly the learned kanji in relation to JLPT
Another one is
 Thanks Macchan, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for!

mgs2ss said... Any reason why they don't incorporate all of this stuff into WaniKani?  This site has the best userbase I've ever seen.  Seriously, I've never seen so many awesome people making such cool stuff for fellow site users.
 Yeah I'd have to agree. When I first saw people posting cool stat readouts on forums I spent about 30 minutes poking around the WK website thinking it would be somewhere on there. Then I realized it was all third-party... 

The strangest thing to me, is that the Android and iOS apps are all third party too.  As great as this site is, the real stars here are the community.  The things that they make are insanely awesome.

Take that site, for example.  It takes your WaniKani level, and gives you an almost infinite supply of example sentences with the kanji that you’ve learned.  It’s insane, and almost as valuable as the content on this site.  I don’t know why that hasn’t been incorporated as a WaniKani exercise for practicing between reviews.

The community here is amazing. So many great compliments to WK made by members that I wouldn’t know about if it wasn’t for the forums. Thank you!

Unfortunately, both of those sites have bugs regarding the early levels. The first one doesn’t show my level times at all and the second starts at level 3. :frowning:

It’d be great to see a new, updated site that actually works properly. Who’s got plenty of free time? :slight_smile: