Batch system for reviews?

Given the new modes for doing incremental batches for lessons, will this be ported to reviews? I often don’t do all my reviews in one sitting, and get annoyed/confused when I have to redo a bunch of cards that I only did half of in my previous session.

From my quick search it seems that there are 3rd party tools with that feature, but I mostly use Wanikani’s web app on mobile (android).



I remember reading a reply from Koichi on some thread where he talked about something like this though it was more along the lines of a “daily reviews” feature (if I remember correctly). So maybe something similar will be coming to WaniKani natively soon (:

Found the original comment from Koichi (though it does say it wasn’t actively being worked on…):


wk has still not developed an app for any platform

but if you went with this:
[Android] Smouldering Durtles (v1.1.1) - native app with offline lessons and reviews, plus themes and script-like features! - WaniKani / API And Third-Party Apps - WaniKani Community

you can set the max reviews per session (I believe) which would probably address the issue
also lots of other nice features like UNDO and ANKI mode :wink:


You could also use the wrap up button to finish the last 10 items.


Ohhh THAT’S what that button does! I ignored it at some point and it became completely invisible to me. Thanks!

That does what I want; now if you could simply adjust the number of reviews in wrap up mode, that would be perfect! It would be neat to integrate Koichi’s more sophisticated ideas about prioritizing certain reviews too. But most importantly I just wanted a way to mitigate the demotivating feeling of facing 100+ reviews…

I’ll also check out Smouldering Durtles, though I fear getting attached to something unofficial that may not last forever.

Thanks everyone!


Fear not :slight_smile: I’ve been attached to the previous version (Flaming Durtles) for two years and there has been no issue, even with the dev being gone and new changes being made on Wanikanis side. The app is open source so even if the dev who took him upon himself to make Smouldering Durtles wouldn’t be able to maintain it anymore, I’m sure someone from the community would take over.

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