All Reviews At X Time

Actually, this is (kind of) something I’m working on (or, at least, it’s been getting some love on the “write a project spec” side of things recently—should clarify it’s not actively being built at the moment). Sort of goes along with Today’s Lessons. Some interesting things we’re thinking about with it:

  • Some Reviews should be done closer to “on time” than others. Items that were just learned should be reviewed faster than 24 hours for optimal spacing and memory, so really we need a couple review groups. Thinking that Apprentice items would just become available as soon as they’re available, and anything that is guru+ gets a little wiggle room to either become available early or late, depending on how many reviews you have in a day.
  • I think I’d want to go beyond just rolling up the day’s reviews. Again, that’s pulling in some reviews a smidge early, or putting off some reviews. All to make each day’s review load a little more consistent.
  • By doing that, learners could set a review goal for the day, and we’ll create a deck of reviews for that day that attempts to match that number. e.g. you could say “I want 100 reviews every day” and we’d try to give you 100 reviews as long as it doesn’t mess up spacing too much.
  • At the beginning of each day, you’d get your Today’s Reviews, and it’s a nice clear goal of what you should try to get done that day.
  • Since we’d be “limiting” number of Reviews people can do in a day, there’d need to be some mechanism to allow people to do all their reviews. Sort of like the Advanced Lessons button in Today’s Lessons. In other words, would need to make this optional.
  • I think it’d be potentially neat to pull in related items into the same Today’s Review deck. For example, if a kanji comes up in Today’s Reviews, and a vocabulary that uses that kanji is coming up “close enough” to not mess up the spacing, we could pull that into Today’s Reviews so you see both the kanji and vocabulary in the same session. We need to do a bit of deep diving into where the line is between where that’s unideal (e.g. it causes interference in the memory) and ideal (e.g. creating more connections to other contexts).
  • There’s some things I won’t talk about right now that Today’s Reviews would also be related to. Pretty excited about those things, should some of them happen :eyes:

Anyways, that’s just what I’ve been thinking about / working on (a little bit… not at the moment… but it’s not too far down my list). So, don’t get the wrong idea and think it’s coming soon or anything. But, definitely on my radar and something I’m working on writing up, assuming I don’t run into a wall somewhere.