Audio in example sentences and word tracking?

First post here. I have been trying out Marumori and Migaku and using WK for the most part, I often cut and paste example sentences into google translate to hear the audio since these do not use furigana or have a system of tracking words used/learned… Would be super-awesome to have this integrated a bit more. So suggestion is - 1. Sentence audio and 2. Words learned tracking with visual colour cues.

While this might not be exactly what you’re looking for, someone has made a userscript in which one of the features is audio for the sentences.
[Userscript] Advanced Context Sentence 2 - WaniKani / API And Third-Party Apps - WaniKani Community

Depending on your browser, there are a number of voices available, which is one of the reasons I’ve moved over to Edge primarily for when I’m doing WK reviews, since newer versions of Edge have the “natural” voices available (if it says “[online]”, that’s the natural voice I’m talking about).

This also has coloring for the words you’ve learned.