April 27th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

Re. E

Hmmm… Well, I might have over-parsed it into two sections. Your question prompted me to investigate further. I found this nice explanation of the entire construct んだろう (as a spoken, slurred のだろう).

It is stating a before-said as a fact, or speculating that is why it must be so. Trying to apply that here to (家族からすれば天下の永大教授に頼めば安心だと思った)んだろう, it might apply to (entire) thing.

I OFFICIALLY GOT INTO TROUBLE about my time management and spending “too much time on the internet”. Thus, I regret to say…I may be less ON the board during peak time (you guys peak at 8am to 1pm my time zone), because I can’t be on during work hours 9am to 3pm (and I have that morning run). So… Apologies in advance, but I will be reading your analyses in the evenings!

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I’ll claim ↑.

H analysis



I’ll stick to the essentials here.


指導医(しどうい) is new vocabulary as it means ‘preceptor’ (a teacher at a university or college.

★やらせて is the ~て form of やらせる, which means: *to allow, to let (somebody).

I am to be the preceptor of you two people.

So we finally know who this person is.

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He rather presents himself, “I am Shiratori Takahisa of the 1st surgery department


Yes, as I was working on it, I was wondering who was the subject as I sometimes do in Japanese contexts. Ellipsis is still very foreign to me.

I’m pretty sure I know the meaning of the remaining letters on that page from my previous knowledge so I’ll leave to someone else who’s getting started.

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Sentence I


  • 食事(shokuji) meal \color{blue} \text{が}
    終わったら; Verb 終わります “to finish”; てform⇢たform Past (action completed) +らmeans “if/when〜”.
  • 来んて \color{blue} \text{くれ}. Favors is くれ, like when you ask someone to do something, it implies that someone will benefit.(helping verb くれる) I think in this case, it is to soften the command that he asked them to come 来ます, てform imperative (command) form.

I Interpretation

Shirotori tells them:

When the meal is finished, come

Google says it more nicely: Please come when you finish eating



午後から Analysis
  • 午後からfrom the afternoon
君達にも仕事をしてもらう Analysis
  • に believe the にmakes the target for the もらう. (Helping verb もらう), which is the two interns (you, plural male 君達 kimitachi). Some interpretations call this “you guys” which is really casual. It is a boss to trainees.
  • も It seems to me that this も is playing the role of “also”. The training doctor (“precept”) is giving them the gift of a job for the afternoon.
  • もらう In some of the sentence examples, it’s “I will have you work” it some “I will get you to work”; no interpretations are permissive like “I will let you guys work”.

J Interpretation

Shirotori tells them:

I will have you guys also work starting this afternoon.

Well done Shannon, you finished the page.

The first message is now a Wiki, I received a PM about it, which would mean you could edit the first message. This means copy/pasting your interpretation, claiming a letter, you name it. It should turn the whole activity community-driven as opposed to one person.

I intend to create a new thread daily however… which would be troublesome for the moderators to turn it into a wiki every time.

So I’m wondering, what’s the best way to go about this do you think? We could have edited the first message clean daily but the old replies would remain. Unless I could have the right to create a wiki thread as part of the exercise so I don’t have to ask the moderators all the time. Also, the moderators might be busy and not necessarily make it a wiki within the same day.

Suggestions for a solution?

Google Drive?

A lot of the reading threads have an ongoing worksheet on Google drive (for vocabulary) that all members can edit. So we can update our claims there (and vocabulary!).

It’s a pain to click over, but it could be a way to keep track. If it’s during your 3 hour stint you do a GREAT JOB updating the thread live, tho.

Umm…I really REALLY like having the translation summary up there, too, though.

I was taking liberties below and tried to make it make more sense in

this recap

A: Unibrow: If it’s the case that you lack confidence in your medical skills, then wouldn’t it not be good if you DIDN’T do the surgery? (Because you need to DO surgery to build up your skills, I thought) I always have terrible with double negatives!!
B: Saitou: But he is a professor, surely that means something.
C: Narrator? Both? In this case, it’s money.
D: ShiroTori: Professors earn up to a million yens as a “gift” from patient’s families.
E. ShiroTori: From the patient’s families view, they are asking the world’s professors for peace of mind, they believe (but it’s not actually likely.)
F:Saitou and Unibrow: Hey! You were that surgeon in there just now!
G: Dr. Takahiki: The first surgery of Shitotori Takahiki.
H. Dr. Takahiki: I am to be the preceptor of you two people
I: Dr. Takahiki:. When the meal is finished, come
J: Dr. Takahiki: I will have you guys also work starting this afternoon

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Yeah, I’d rather for things to be grounded at thread though.

You can edit the summary you did in the first message. You should be able to now, see if it works.

About A: it’s “you don’t have to do surgery” (since you have no confidence). People do not build their skills on live patients, by the way. :stuck_out_tongue:

C is by the guy with glasses (Shiratori)

G is an introduction. He is Shiratori Takahisa from the 1st surgery department.


Thanks for all the corrections, I missed your feedback :grin:.

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It’s not 来んてくれ but てくれ (te-form + helper verb くれる, this last one in an irregular imperative form, yes that exists…)

(Also, 白鳥 name reading is irregular, it is しとり (I had it wrong at first too))

My understanding of the helper verbs くれる and もらう is not that much about giving and receiving, but to add the nuance of “do for me” and “make you do” respectively.

So 来てくれる = “come for me”, “I request you to come”
仕事をしてもらう = “I make you do (some) work”, “I’ll give you work to do”, “I assign you some work to do”

The difference with just plain くる and 仕事をする is that the reason or intentionality is added.

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