April 26th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

Alright, for the longer sentence now.

オレ is “male talk” for I. At first I fumbled with 〜達 but then it clicked, it means us, we. みたいな = *something like that which is followed by 研修医, medical intern. So: we are something like medical interns. Let’s carry on.

I was looking forward to finding out what チンポ meant and it means “penis”. I did not expect that word in katakana for some reason.

This is then followed by 見られる which means “to be seen”. So For our penis to seen. Interesting lunch conversation!

ワケ means a pretext while 〜だろう gives an assumption connotation to the sentence. I’m hesitating in my interpretation:
①He says that if he were to be put on an operating table like that, he’d be a pretext for others to see their penis.

②He thinks this kind of exercise is a pretext for penis to be seen by the medical interns.

Since he’s just said that he wouldn’t want to be in a university hospital, I assume he’s saying that he wouldn’t want to be naked like that on an operating table, stark naked, as a pretext for other medical interns. That’s my interpretation.

To which 斎藤 replies:

②《That’s impossible!
…which requires more development on my part.
I think 〜も here means soon, as in:
I soon won’t have any money left.

It’s really off-topic though. Maybe he’s uncomfortable and wants to change subject.