Koichi is playing with me, isn’t he!
Why did I get this wrong?
Your い is small somehow. So it’s たぃふう instead of たいふう
@IgorTheGreat I think your (now deleted) post is correct.
Fat finger?
lol, I deleted it because the characters all look a little small to me, so it is kind of hard to tell
Is it possible to even have a small い. I didn’t even know that.
How do you even pronounce it?
Yes, all the vowels can be made small. They are needed for some non-native sounds, and as such they are usually written in katakana, but you can still do them in hiragana as well.
Considering the lockdown, maybe
Like い, but less so?
But they’re used in loanwords - for example, ふぃ is pronounced “fi”.
They are made by typing ‘x’ before the character. I have found this mostly useful for katakana, like with
I had always heard of ティ as it is pronounced “ti” which normally does not exist because we have ち
But I didn’t know たぃ was possible. Is it also pronounced as “ti”
This I do not know
Yeah. You’re unlikely to ever see it used, though, unless someone’s trying to be stylistic and write ぱーてぃー in hiragana or whatever.
The only one I know of that has different pronunciations in hiragana vs katakana is ゔ/ヴ - in katakana, it’s “vu”, but in hiragana, it’s a stressed and/or nasally “u”.
Just because you can type it, doesn’t mean it is liguistically valid. I don’t think たぃ would be pronounced ti.
The small kana can also be used for elongation of vowels, or trailing off of a word, or other pronunciation quirks you can get in casual speech. For example, you might come across へえぇ or something in manga.
By the way, are you by chance using kana input on mobile, instead of the romaji input that WK automatically converts to kana? Because you can get those small kana by pressing the dakuten button.
No. Actually I use Romaji input. Dunno why it got small all of a sudden. First time it has happened. I didn’t even realise it until people here pointed it out. Maybe I did something while typing too fast.
Accidentally typing “taxi” or “tali” instead of tai would produce たぃ
So maybe autocorrected to taxi, then! I think tali actually gets you たり, though. On WK at least.
Yeah. Outside of WaniKani, an L makes a small vowel, but WaniKani’s IME considers L and R to be equivalent.