Aaaand another one (Level 60 post)


Unless it has been added in the past week to include it, Aussie Bonz will need to use the v1 version of the site to get the stats they are looking for

I see it on v2 under Progress>Level-up. The title of the graph is changed from ā€˜Level Durationā€™ to ā€˜Level Upā€™ but it is the same data, that is the time you spend on a level.

Maybe it has been added then. I need to check when I can get hash on my desktop

Whoops xD Got back on my game after yet another 3 month break. Hope I stay more consistent this time! Congrats on lvl60!

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It has been there for as long as I am using v2. Did you dig into the submenus? This is where it is.

High didnā€™t realize that the ā€œprogessā€ part had submenues.

Yeah I swear when I last looked at it that didnā€™t exist.

Awesome! Well done. I am not interested in racing through and think slow and steady may serve me well :slight_smile:
Congratulations to you, a great achievement!

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Congratulations! Also, I notice all your levels after 42 took less than 4 days. Does WaniKani stop introducing kanji in 2 waves at that point, or something?

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Thanks. There are still radicals you learn on fast levels but are not required to pass on to the next level. You learn 90% of the kanji as you advance to the level.

Congratulations!! :partying_face:

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Oh!! Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m nearly to that point myself, so that will greatly increase my velocity in a couple months! I had no idea. I kind of wish all the levels were constructed like that so that it feels like you make progress faster, but itā€™s not a big deal. Thanks for the explanation!

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@cicada Thank you!.

@Jyosua Actually I donā€™t recommend rushing through the fast levels as the number of reviews you have to deal is tremendous. My reviews were varying from a minimum of 300 to up to 600 daily. Imagine having to deal with 600 reviews and on top of that, you have to learn the new 200 lessons that popped up. I did all that but there was no reason not to take things slow. Itā€™s about consuming what you have learned not advancing to the next level faster.

Just a warning from a fellow 60 user though. If you believe you can handle it, go for it. Good luck :smile:


I can definitely see that, but as I live in Japan right now, Iā€™d prefer spending a few months taking extra time to grind out vocabulary and kanji so I can enjoy the rest of my time here more. Iā€™ve been doing my reviews pretty much daily for the past few months. I had previously done the forbidden ā€œtake a break for a really long time without putting your account on vacation modeā€ thing, so it took a good month or two to get back on track from having 1500 reviews in the first place. I greatly appreciate the warning, though.

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