[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge


I’ve somehow reached the goal I thought was murimuri kamo :eyes::sparkles: :partying_face:

Here are all the books I've read so far this year:

  • かがみの孤城 上下
  • Honzuki 8-11, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 1-2, SAO Progressive 1, Spice & Wolf
  • 笑わない数学者、詩的私的ジャック (book 3 and 4 in the Saikawa & Moe series)
  • わたしの幸せな結婚 1-6
  • 夜が明けたら、いちばんに君に会いにいく 上下 (Reading this gave me a gift I never expected: the ability to appreciate the sky regardless of weather. Sunny, cloudy, rainy - no day are the exact same, but they’re all interesting.)

Things are getting busy with exams and stuff, but hopefully I can get through Honzuki 12 and 13 too before next year comes around. Now then, if I were to continue the trend of doubling the number of books with each passing year… oh dear :joy: The murimuri meter is going through the roof.

Btw, Naphthalene almost reaching 100 000 pages inspired me so much I added my own little countdown in my book tracker spreadsheet

Will I even reach 100 000 pages??? To be continued →