Misc comments, summaries, etc:
Page 38: 「あれ」
I wonder if 「弱ってる花」 is used, rather than 弱い花, because the flower is in the process of getting weaker day by day.
I’m still not really “used to” verbs that end in てて. I understand that it’s [verb]ている, with the いる also in the て form (ていて), and then the い dropped (てて). I know I’ll get used to it with enough exposure, though!
Page 41: 「懐かしい夢……?」
Causitive is one of those things that I understand it when I see it…except for when it’s する, I seem to have a blind spot for it.
It comes up for me in the narration here: 「もう ひとりぼっちにさせない」. I have to carefully parse it out: する+causitive+ない.
Page 44: 「なんとか」
Maybe it’s just the irregular verbs in general that I need to take care to get better used to, as the しなきゃ here doesn’t immediately register to me as する + なきゃ. I know the verb and form, it’s just that it’s a blind spot for me. I must work harder to take notice of the forms of する, so I can get better used to them!
Page 46: 「ただの電池切れの…」
This makes for a nice contrast from a few pages earlier, where Kanami’s brother said that things like broken flowers cannot return to the way they used to be.
I don’t know if that one flower could have been “saved”, but as Makoto says about the clock, there are many things that can be tried to repair something.
Page 47: 「きっと他に原因が…」
For anyone struggling with this page, the gist of it is:
Makoto says there may be a different cause for the clock not working (aside from the prior page’s thought of it needing a new battery). Sure enough, inside he finds some fluid has leaked to an area where it’s not supposed to be. If he cleans it off (きれいにすれば), then it should should working again (ようになる: “to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into”).
Page 48: 「諦めなければ」
I always like seeing different uses of こと. Don’t know why.
Here’s another こと, the こと of 新しくできる (“newly able to do”) things, which take place only if 諦めない (“don’t give up”).
Page 52: 「今の叶美が」
As a native English speaker, I always like to see sentences with が in them. There’s a hint of familiarity for me.
And for some reason, when there’s a が-marked subject in there, it always makes me internalize the roll of the に-marked noun more easily. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I have a better idea what to expect by the time I reach the に particle.
(If this chapter were split over two weeks, this is where the split would have been.)
Page 53: 「ピッ ピッピピッ」
Even more than a year after moving into my home, this is how my room still looks =(
(Well, minus the trash bags.)
Page 55: 「また 新しい…」
I like her line in the bottom panels. “If it were the old me, I think I wouldn’t be able to do it. But, it’s different now.”
Pages 56-62
For anyone having difficulty, the gist of this section is:
Kanami had lost everyone (her parents, her brother) and had no one at school, so she couldn’t see a way forward. Makoto changed that for her, by showing her a world of people who were warm and kind, not scary. Reaching the end of the road means being able to see a new path.
But for her brother, he’s still in a dark place, alone and in pain. Kanami believes she can now help him find his way out of the darkness.
Pages 66-69
Boxes filled with things are heavy.