2021-07-18 (PDT): Site is having issues loading

Just letting you know I received a notification. I am on it.


Looks like issue resolved itself. There was a very brief period where requests were failing. I’ll keep an eye on it.

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Looks like the issue was related to this Heroku Status


And here I thought this was something on my end (so I never thought to even report my issues). Basically, I was forced to load the forums using incognito mode (which somehow worked!), while the Forums refused to load on normal Firefox.

Glad that things got resolved as it was a bit annoying. ^^;

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Is this WaniKani or the forums? Because the forums are still painfully slow for me. (One of the errors being that posts don’t really want to post, so maybe there’s no point in me writing this. :stuck_out_tongue:)

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The topic was about the WaniKani website, not the forums.

Looks like Discourse was doing maintenance during the period you two posted. The performance may be related to it.


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