0/0 is Dead to Me

I see it that way, when you have dirty dishes you clean them all. Repeat everyday. Except if you want the whole sink to accumulate and stink and have to clean it all later

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I suppose that’s a good attitude to have toward learning a language of this difficulty

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I mean the goal is to have an habit. It like washing my teeths at this point. I have kept this habit for like 8 months now. I used to do it in the subway before work and on the subway coming back.

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How tf do you do reviews on your phone lol. I tried once but considering my normal typing speed of ~80 wpm it felt unbearably slow, and now I just wait until I get home

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I do almost all on my phone. I guess I am just fast. Also on pc I have 140 wpm which help.

Also I view it like this. You watched anime probably where there is that dojo and a bunch of trainee are lunging their swords everyday for praticing the technique.

I have 60 wpm and I use a computer. Unless you’re recalling the item’s meaning and reading significantly faster than you’re typing it (something almost impossible esp. for Apprentice I and II items) it doesn’t make much of a difference how fast you type, since by then 80% of the time will be spent trying to recall the item.

it doesn’t help that I have a keyboard that randomly spits double t’s, i’s and r’s because i ate over it

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I guess I am just an odd fellow


do you use kana input or romaji input?

Samsumg keyboard

so you type in with latin characters and the app converts them into kana, correct?

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My brain really, really wants me at 0/0 24/7 365. It HATES that there are open ANYTHING.

I fight it.

The absolute worst is when you level up and 120 or more lessons can pop. That tests my limits. Last level, I had 150 lessons after I leveled up and I had to really fight the desire to quit. I’ve struggled with trying to learn kanji for 20 years and this is part of why.

What I am doing now is trying to retrain my brain to not care.

Here is my process I am now trying to follow:

Using a reorder script:
On level up, learn the radicals immediately
Reorder lessons so that previous level vocab is the target
Get previous level vocab to 0 or close, while sprinkling 5 or so kanji into every other lesson session.
Example: I have 45 previous level vocab, 30 current level kanji, and 25 current level vocab.
I filter out current level vocab and kanji. Do a lesson block of 15 previous level vocab. Leave lessons, come back, reorder out all vocab and do 5 new kanji.
Tomorrow, I come back, reorder out current level, learn 20 vocab from the previous level.
Next day, back to 15 previous level (and current level) vocab and 5 new kanji.

I do this process until I level up and then go back to it. My brain doesn’t like it but it is learning to live with my pace.

I’ve given up on being done quickly. That’s not a goal for me. If I can hit level 60 by the end of '21, that’s what my aim is. My other goal is N5 or N4 JLPT and I know 100% of those kanji according to the WK script I have. I’m at 90 something % on N3 but I don’t think I will be comfortable enough on the grammar to test to N3 this year. N5 might be too easy and N4 may be pushing me. We’ll see though as I keep learning!

Sorry for the long winded response. Just talking through my process in my head.


what i’ve been doing is, at the beginning of the level, i plan out all the lessons until i guru the radicals. i check how many previous-level vocab remain, how many current-level kanji and vocab (and radicals of course), even when i’ll be unlocking any remaining previous-level vocab. and i aim to hit 0/0 either the day before i guru the radicals, or on the day. that way i don’t have 0/0, but i have a clear path to 0/0. it keeps that part of my brain calm ^^

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Is this the weeb version of “git gud, scrub”?




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