🔊 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🌈


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-30 :rabbit: Pekora Minecraft Stream :video_camera: Stream :white_check_mark: 0.45 Episodes :hourglass: 2h15m
:chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :arrow_forward: 200 Items :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h11m

Today I finished up the Pekora stream, though a large chunk of the middle was a bunch of people shouting wagers and reading up numbers from cards being shot out of the dispensers, so maybe not the most advanced practice. Also then got to the trial sequence which had been in the clip I saw earlier.

Then later I did コツ. Clearly all that stream listening had me warmed up, as I got my best コツ score yet with 75%.

Anyway, this is the penultimate day of the challenge for Spring. I’ll probably switch to weekly updates after today, since I’m already feeling like I’m every second or third post in this thread and the offical challenge period is over. I’ll probably keep some listening up though, since maybe I go for a year long streak of listening :stuck_out_tongue:


:headphones: Home post // May 31 :cherry_blossom: :rainbow:

Watched ep 6 of An Incurable Case of Love.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-05-31 :railway_track: 平行線スクランブル :headphones: Podcast :arrow_forward: 1 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
:chart_with_downwards_trend: コツ :spiral_notepad: Study :arrow_forward: 200 Items :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m

Yesterday’s listening had another episode of Heikousen Scramble and another batch of コツ to finish out the listen every day challenge for Spring. Many of the projects this season have been more ongoing projects like podcasts and コツ which mean in terms of listing completed items leaves a rather short list, and probably a reminder I didn’t keep up with Anime as I had planned to. On the plus side, pitch accent has made some real progress for the first time in being able to tell it apart and that’s helpful.

I tried going faster in コツ this time, which cut the time from 15-20 minutes to 10, but at the same time my accuracy was only 64% this time. Still, that’s less of a drop than I would have expected from going quicker.

From here on out, I’ll probably move to a weekly post for this thread, rather than daily updates.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 9

5月31日 (金)

A Vlog

Then 日本人になりたかった過去. Actually I have a mixed feeling about this one, but can empathize.

6月1日 (土)

YUYU, the latest episode

Daily brief x1

Dictionaries, and pitch accent

言語交換ch on わんこの名前, with Show Transcript. Transcript, esp recent previous lines, are more helpful than sub, but I am on YouTube for smartphone, so no Yomitan.


Listening Challenge of Q2 2024 Summary


About the seasonal Challenge’s summary, to say the minimal, I didn’t finish 耳から覚える 語彙 N1. I might be able to find time to listen to vocabularies; but I don’t find time, or want enough to, learn details and do exercises.

Nonetheless, the Japanese listening might be getting more listening focused, but I can’t absolutely say it became better. Maybe other than vocabularies and phrases, appropriate levels and active listening techniques might play a part. Or perhaps I simply need to be patient.

Anyway, I kinda want to minimize the energy consumed by studying Japanese. I might rather let the status quo happen for now.


:headphones: Home post // June 1 :cherry_blossom: :rainbow:

Maybe not the greatest for listening practice since there’s a lot of text (hiragana and katakana at least, not so much kanji), but it was very fun to watch. Kanae is very good at roleplaying, I gotta say, haha.


I watched this vlog earlier today about this couple’s trip to Paris (and their incident with a bird lol). I only did about half with no subtitles before I turned them on.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 9

6月2日 (日)

魔女の宅急便 1 Ch.4 end (1:19-1:50/5:33)

Mahjong explanation, then a little skim read.

Q2 of 2024 | Week 10

6月3日 (月)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 (3:39-4:31/9:43)

言語交換 #261 理想のパートナー

Mahjong explanation Part 2.

6月4日 (火)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 Ch.3 end (4:31-5:32/9:43)

YUYU, the latest episode

Music theory on modal interchange with screen on

6月5日 (水)

Daily brief x1

言語交換 #281 Mister Donut (first half)

Music theory on 協会旋法

6月6日 (木)

New family member :dog:

言語交換 #281 Mister Donut (remaining half)

魔女の宅急便 1 Ch.5 end (1:50-2:21/5:33)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 (5:32-6:03/9:43)

6月7日 (金)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 (6:03-6:32/9:43)

言語交換 #282 紫陽花の名所 Part 2

6月8日 (土)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 Ch.4 end (6:32-7:27/9:43)

6月9日 (日)

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 Ch.5 end (7:27-8:38/9:43)

Q2 of 2024 | Week 11

6月10日 (月)

言語交換 #283 青い涙

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 (8:38-8:54/9:43)


Summer challenge thread is up:


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 11

6月11日 (火)

YUYU, the latest episode

狼と香辛料 Vol.4 end (8:54-9:43/9:43)

6月12日 (水)

Rebuild #385 (0-0:59/1:35)

6月13日 (木)

Daily brief x1

YUYU, the latest episode :people_wrestling:

6月14日 (金)

言語交換 #284 shampoo brands :lotion_bottle: :bubbles:

This Russia (Moscow) travel

Rebuild #385 (0:59-1:17/1:35)

6月15日 (土)

Russia travel Part 2, with travel advice such as Google Lens


6月16日 (日)

Rebuild #385 (1:17-1:35 end/1:35)

Mostly travelling, but maybe I am not listening good.


Has anyone here watched ギバーテイカー? I think that maybe its good binge watch material but it has themes that maybe my stomach cant take so basically I am seeking spoilers since I cant find online.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 12

6月17日 (月)


魔女の宅急便 1 Ch.6 end (2:21-2:58/5:33)

6月18日 (火)

Daily brief x1

言語交換 #272 台湾ドリンク店

Honda :car:

狼と香辛料 Vol.5 (0-0:29/10:03)

6月19日 (水)

Daily brief x1

中国の一人っ子政策について. City names are difficult to listen for…

History of taming house cats

YUYU, the latest episode


Thanks for letting us know about these videos.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 12

6月20日 (木)

狼と香辛料 Vol.5 (0:29-0:58/10:03)

Daily brief x1

言語交換 #271 energy drink

6月21日 (金)

狼と香辛料 Vol.5 Ch.1 end (0:58-1:44/10:03)

江戸時代、飢饉中の庶民のご飯. Then this food series is quite nice.

6月22日 (土)

十二国記 and 薬屋のひとりごと

6月23日 (日)

YUYU, the latest episode

Rebuild #386 (0-0:37/2:39)

狼と香辛料 Vol.5 (1:44-2:25/10:03)

Japanese people in China, and the reference video


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 13

6月24日 (月)

Daily brief x1

Iran :iran:

6月25日 (火)

るろうに剣心 Ep.1. No sub, because no JP, and EN interfered with my concentration. Sub can viewed and rewinded like a transcript, conveniently, in Aegisub, which is a 10-years-ago discontinued app. SubtitleEdit is new, but not as convenient (though it has voice transcription option). Maybe there is an easy way in a video player, that I don’t realize…

YUYU, the latest episode

About 毒見役.

言語交換 #285 STARLUX Airlines

6月26日 (水)

Street signs :placard:

6月27日 (木)

Daily brief x1

Rebuild #386 (0:37-1:09/2:39)

I don’t know about those cold countries :strawberry:

るろうに剣心 Ep.2. No sub. Maybe I can manage by listening carefully and rewinding sometimes, but something will be missed. Aegisub is convenient to replay by line, later. Different mode from audiobook with e-book, where listening may need to be hand-free and reading may be done separately.


Yep, we love going on hikes in the woods to pick berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, orange berries (cloudberry?) etc, and mushrooms. My classmate went crazy last autumn picking those chanterelles mentioned in the video and filled the freezer with them. When we moved out just a few weeks ago, she still had some left over, haha.


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Q2 of 2024 | Week 13

6月28日 (金)

るろうに剣心 Ep.3. No need to use other apps, just a video player and keyboard shortcuts (W, S) for toggling subtitles and rewinding (Arrow Left/Right).

言語交換 #286 台湾大学の語学センター


Rebuild #386 (1:09-1:26/2:39)

6月29日 (土)

るろうに剣心 Ep.4-5. Watch without interruption (minimal actually) first, followed by Aegisub (keyboard, Up/Down + Space).

YUYU, the latest episode

Rebuild #386 (1:26-1:51/2:39)

6月30日 (日)

狼と香辛料 Vol.5 (2:25-3:04/10:03)

CoCo壱. Though I haven’t tried for a while.

るろうに剣心 Ep.6-7


EDIT: I also posted in the wrong thread. I’m apparently not smart today.