鋼の錬金術師 Volume 4

Volume 4 Discussion Thread

鋼の錬金術師 Offshoot Home Thread

Vocabulary Lists

Reading Schedule

Week Start Date Pages No. of Pages Chapter
Week 1 December 07 7–50 43 pages 第 13 話
Week 2 December 14 51–88 37 pages 第 14 話
Week 3 December 21 89–134 45 pages 第 15 話
Week 4 December 28 135–174 39 pages 第 16 話
Week 5 January 04 175–194 19 pages 外伝 + おまけ

Discussion Rules

  • If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Please mention the chapter and page number.
  • Please use spoiler tags for major events.
  • If you read ahead, please hold questions until during or after the appropriate week.

Chapter 13

Start Date: December 07


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So the Latin text on the wall on page… 16, I think, reads “pater abavo est creator filius redemptor et mediator”, which one internet source has helpfully translated as “The father, due to ancestry, is the creator, the son is the savior and pacifier”. It’s presumably a biblical reference, though one also wonders if it’s deliberate foreshadowing

On page 32, Kimblee is forming a Buddhist hand sign, or mudra (印相 in Japanese… I think) - this one is the Abhaya Mudra, which “symbolizes protection, peace, and the dispelling of fear”, according to the internet.

Striking a superior officer, Ross?


My Latin is even worse then my Japanese but I’m pretty sure that the grammar makes no sense here. “The father, from/to the great-great-grandfather, is creator the son redemptor and mediator”

Abavo is dative or ablative of abavus (great-great-grandfather) so it’s like the particles から or に in Japanese.

Well, part of it’s behind Lust’s speech bubble, so make of it what you will.

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I haven’t read the chapter yet, I shall study this thoroughly!

Though while we’re talking about page 16…

General comments about story flow

Lust’s line, 計画1はもう最終段階に入っているのだから is one of the things I quite like about FMA. A general storytelling rule is that you can’t stop the villain too soon in his plan, otherwise the tension goes away. Unfortunately, in a lot of stories, tension is maintained right to the end by simply having the hero fail to stop the villain at every step of his plan - or even in some instances, furthering the evil plan from sheer incompetence.

(See: any series requiring the hero to assemble pieces of a MacGuffin in order to prevent the villain from using it, only for the villain to just steal the whole thing once it’s complete - if you’d left the pieces where they were, nothing would have happened. But I digress.)

In FMA, the heroes don’t stop the villain’s evil plan in its early stages, because it’s already in the endgame before they’ve even noticed the plan exists. Before they’ve even met any of the flunkies. The story of FMA isn’t people trying and failing to stop the plan, it’s people trying to work out what the plan is.

1 Keikaku means “plan”


The symbol reads “Pater Abavo Est Creator; Filius Redemptor et Mediator”, which translates from Latin into “The Forefather is the Creator; the Son, Redeemer and Mediator”, but does not appear to have a real-world source.

From Chapter 39: Complications at Central | Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki | Fandom


That, uh… that comes from a chapter that’s a couple of volumes ahead of where we currently are…



I don’t get what this is referring to. Who are the 人柱? This is envy addressing the samurai armour brothers, right?

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Page 10

Correct. He’s talking about Ed. What it means, though… who knows? :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, I considered this but it’s one of these situations where I’m like “is this purposefully cryptic or am I just not understanding the Japanese?”

Thank you for the confirmation.


Amusing how the manga seems to take place in a very westernized setting but then you have this extremely Japanese conversation taking place here.


Chapter 14

Start Date: December 14


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Recently I caught up with the club (yatta!) and watched some anime episodes ahead. So, this people behind ウィンリィ!(For these who don’t know them: nothing’s happening here, just some observation)



Hah, I was just about to post that panel.

I kinda wonder why they’re there. The manga doesn’t formally introduce them until the middle of next volume, and they don’t show up again in this volume at all. Perhaps Arakawa-sensei just went “Wow, I actually like those background character designs I made, maybe I’ll make them into actual characters”, but they’re kinda a bit too distinctive to be mere background characters.

Brosh’s pose in the second panel of page 69 is presumably a reference to Yamcha’s death post in Dragonball, though he’s flipped.



And this panel is giving me flashbacks…

Page 73

Are you sticking her in the same place you left Sheska, Hughes?


That was a funny chapter but once more basically no plot progress…


Yeah, Ed as well :smile: I was glad to see this 人さらい was a bit more wholesome.

At least we had some 我輩.



Chapter 15

Start Date: December 21


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I had no idea about this pose but now that you’ve mentioned it!

From Yomi no tsugai - not really spoilers

Seriously someone should recommend it for BBC for cross-posting panels