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My first WK club club in a while (hello fellow 高木さん veterans!), super excited to see us covering not only a shounen fantasy series, but one of my all time favourite!
I’m a little torn as I’m 2/3 the way through volume 3 of 黄泉のツガイ also by 荒川先生、 I’ll have to decide if I put it on pause or rush to try finish it before starting 鋼の錬金術師。
Even if it has been more than a decade since I read ハガレン (in English), having more context definitely sped up the reading. I was using Mokuro+Yomitan, and JMdict did not recognize some expressions (mainly related to the religious themes). I used ChatGPT to breakdown a few sentences and had better results (which I then checked with more reliable sources).
Learned some new grammar in page 15:ド being used as a prefix meaning an intensifier (ドちび).
It took me the rest of this week’s section to realize that this isn’t Edward. I couldn’t make sense of this part that seemed to break the continuity. I thought it was a flash forward for a while.
Edward, when a young girl who lost her entire family found refuge in religion:
This is why I’m glad I decided to read Saint Tail in Japanese after reading it in English at least a decade prior and having seen the anime (English subtitled) a couple of times over the decades.
When I read it in Japanese, I had recently moved from “absolute beginner” to “beginner” range, and reading something where I already knew all the context allowed me to rapidly build up my pattern recognition and reading speed.
I’m hopeful that one of Arakawa’s thousands of omake doodles tackles that topic for us to enjoy. If not, we’ll all get to speculate together. As a family
It’s apparently “thou”, it’s translated as “tu” in French and ты in Russian. So it’s a singular you.
I presume the intended effect is that it sounds fancy but also that it addresses one person specifically and intimately. It sound like the sermon is taking about you, @Jintor specifically. Repent!
汝 is singular you, as @simias said. In the sermon, he keeps saying 汝ら, the ら makes it plural. So he is addressing all the people.
Actually, on page 17 he only says 汝. I think for the effect simias mentioned.