鋼の錬金術師 1 🦾 (IMC) - Week 2



I like how the “でろ” onomatopoeia is translated into “SHLOOM”.

What is this from anyway?

it’s funny because i hate light novels in english lol

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School Rumble. (Decent comedy-heavy romcom with an extremely big letdown ending.)


Yeah I don’t think I want to read 23 volumes just to reach an extremely big letdown ending…

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Lol does anyone know why コーネロ has a Japanese flag on his head in this panel?

Also, is ぺいっ just a sound for tossing aside?


See: fullmetal alchemist series - Why is the Japanese flag supposed to be funny? - Anime & Manga Stack Exchange

Not a super satisfying explanation. I think it’s mostly just making fun of his baldness. Representing a bald head as some kind of barren planet that can be colonized is a trope I’ve seen several times. I vaguely recall seeing similar jokes in One Punch Man (note to self: nominate OPM for the IMC).

Maybe the artist just thought it was boring to draw and decided to add a flourish as a joke.


In コーネロ’s line, “爪が立たぬなら嚙み殺せ”, what meaning does 爪が立たぬ have? I’ve heard of 爪を立てる but that has an unrelated meaning to this. My best guess is that it’s just the 爪 version of 歯が立たない, which means that something is hard to chew or metaphorically, you can’t compete or put a dent in something. Still not sure why 立つ is used for that but going that route I can see 爪が立たぬ meaning that the claws are unable to scratch something.


I think it’s just the meaning 2 of 立てる here:

to thrust into; to bury into; to dig into​

The cat dug its claws into my hand.

You can see that the example here is very close to the situation in the manga, so it’s probably idiomatic to use 爪を立てる for this type of “clawing” action.

So he’s just saying “If your claws won’t dig into him, kill him with your fangs!

EDIT: I just realized that 立たぬ is obviously a form of 立つ and not 立てる (embarrassing mistake) but that works too:

  1. to get stuck (into; of an arrow, thorn etc.); to pierce​

EDIT2: oh that’s because you already mentioned 爪を立てる in your comment and I mixed everything up. Sorry about that.


Yeah, your original explanation makes sense. I should probably just check a Japanese-Japanese dictionary first from now on because I didn’t see a meaning for piercing under 立つ in mine. For some reason my Jisho app only has 3 meanings for that one. I just looked up 爪が立たない on google and found 爪を立てる having the meaning of touching something with your nails and not finger pads, and I didn’t find anything about piercing so I got confused lol. Thanks for the dictionary links and example, 歯が立たない makes more sense now too


Yeah I’m considering adding a ja-ja dictionary to my yomitan as well, but I’m either going to ignore it or it’s going to slow down my look ups too much I think…

It’s stupid too because often looking at the Japanese definitions is more enlightening that the translations.


I have that but barely use it because you can’t Yomitan Yomitan :disappointed_relieved:

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Edit: and in Yomichan it is here:

Inception incoming


Wow I need to get that, is that just a chrome extension? And what’s the difference between Yomitan and Yomichan? That might persuade me to read on my computer instead of only on physical copies


I don’t remember what’s the difference between Yomichan and Yomitan, I think one is not maintained anymore so the other one is the new one. Right now I have both but I think you need Yomichan. Can definitely recommend it, it’s a game changer!! And if you want it to work on your manga, that’s possible to :slight_smile: come over to the Mokuro thread for help setting it up!

Mokuro on page 1


Yomitan is the maintained once IIRC


Yeah, that’s among the most important not-default settings in Yomitan. Another related on I can recommend is jpdb Kanji dictionary, which gives good vocabularies that can be Yomitan’d (forgot where to find, though).


On to week 3!


Dramatic two-page spread, and that’s your response? “Boo! He’s not metal enough!”?

In all fairness, Ed didn’t ask to be called “Fullmetal”. Or 鋼の, whatever.