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If necessary, include an explanation of any discrepancies in the Ebook page numbers from physical page numbers. If there is an easy shortcut for some ebook versions to relate back to physical page numbers, it would be worth it to include it as a third bullet here, or if you want to use chapter page numbers instead of volume page numbers, as is the case with some manga. For example:
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Please use the chapter page numbers, instead of the volume page numbers. These are located in between the panels!
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It seemed to start off as a typical “cute” chapter rather than any major plot development, but then that cliffhanger at the end was probably the first major one we’ve had. Definitely the first time I’ve opted to just read straight on! I did stop myself without reading the whole of the next chapter though (you’ll probably be able to figure out my break point).
Chapter 21 comments (just got to reading it this week): It’s weird how サダヲ didn’t wonder at all how a random ガキ knew his name (even if ひなた gives a flimsy reason later lol)
I mean, if a random neighbourhood kid knows your name would you assume (a) she heard it somewhere or (b) She’s someone that’s been reincarnated? Occam’s razor is on Hinata’s side here
Up to chapter 22 I’m surprised she found サダヲ so soon, I thought it’d be drawn out ages and she helps the girl with jer problem first (I forgot her name but the other reincarnated one) and then at the end of that arc she’d see her grandson across the road or something and be like gasp. But I’m looking forward to what happens next with サダヲ anyways
I’m a bit confused by the table of contents, but I think this was the end of the main part of the volume, there then seems to be a “prequel” chapter next week and another maybe bonus chapter, but very short, the week after that. I’ll leave that as a catch up week, then plan to go straight into volume 4 the following week.
Oh and I think I miscalculated page counts so will edit the schedule slightly.
Yeah, there’s two bonus chapters this volume. The first unnumbered chapter is a full on chapter (a long one even, by this manga’s standards), that I guess chronologically happened before or during the events of this volume. It’s unnumbered because it was added for the volume and wasn’t in the original serialized magazine run (as a warning, this also means this bonus chapter has no furigana).
The second bonus chapter is just the flashback-style bonus we’ve had in the first two volumes also.