紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 👘 (IMC) - Week 7

紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 1
Intermediate Manga Club
Home Thread


Week 6 July 6th, 2024
Chapter 10 + 11 (end of volume 1)
Start page 97
End page 119 (end)
Previous week week 6


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Picture Name
200x198 藤川(ふじかわ) (つむぐ)
200x219 末延(すえのぶ) 唯月(いつき)
200x217 万里小路(までのこうじ) (あさひ)
200x322 蜂須賀(はちすか) 初野(はつの)
賀川(よしかわ) 七緒(ななお)
(ネコ) 五白(ごはく)

Discussion Guidelines

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  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).
  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
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  • I have finished this part
  • I’m still reading the book but I haven’t reached this part yet
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
  • Oh my god they’re literally roommates!
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I like that the appearance of who I believe to be the first man since that cop in chapter 1 is effectively treated like a jumpscare.


Whenever a man appears in a Kirara manga it’s always like “wow they do exist!”


Halfway through - thrilling conclusion for me tomorrow

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And done. That was pretty good but i was definitely tiring of it by the end - it started feeling pretty stop-start because I would understand a lot of the general chatter and I would run smack-dab into some 大正-era stuff (or simply someone using fancier words for familiar concepts) and have to slow down again. Still, I had a pretty decent time and would probably continue this casually if I could get the rest of it on sale some time.


Surely she could at least have borrowed some time-appropriate clothes instead of returning to her school uniform.

Also calling Itsuki 呼び捨てに again in front of her dad was also a bit of a diplomatic blunder…


So Itsuki is forced to drop out of school but she’s happy because she gets to do the gay with Tsumugu? Priorities.

The afterwords are cute, I like that the author cites her references. This is pretty much academic work.

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I might have to reread - I thought dad said fine you can go to school but after you graduate you’re going to do as i say

Also dad did not seem the type to let her borrow a kimono or even a proper maid outfit lol


(You didn’t spoiler tag this correctly)


Oh you’re right. I re-read this part a few times because I thought it was weird but I just now understood it:

I often get confused by these speech bubble without explicit attribution so I didn’t realize that the 卒業するまでだ was the beginning of the dad’s sentence, I thought it was Itsuki pleading. I should have noticed that the informal tone couldn’t be hers.


I finally caught up and finished the volume! I enjoy historical novels and manga, but the isekai genre doesn’t appeal to me for some reason. I won’t be continuing with the rest of the series. Nonetheless, I’m proud of myself for completing one volume of this challenging manga.


Thanks for organising everything @simias! This wasn’t really my cup of tea but it’s always interesting to read something different, and in this case quite challenging. I had never heard of the words Kirara or yuri so my knowledge has grown!


Thank you but the praise should go to @seanblue for proposing the manga in the first place.

I feel very similarly to you, it wasn’t really something I would ever think of reading on my own but it made it all the more interesting for me, it’s a facet of Japanese culture I didn’t know existed.

So far all the people commenting on these threads seem to be fairly unenthusiastic for this book which makes me wonder how it even managed to win the poll in the first place. Were people expecting something else?

I demand a recount.


I think making a poll in the home thread for rating and so on would be good. Other clubs have done that in the past.


I think it was a bit more difficult than expected + it’s still at heart a pretty soft and fluffy kind of slice of life which doesn’t inspire as much enthusiasm as something more action packed or with higher dramatic stakes (though there was a little of that here).

Tbh I find 4koma unless you’re really interested in the subject matter kind of a difficult read


I mentioned in my Natively review, but I do think this series leans into drama a lot more than a typical 4-koma.

That’s interesting, because I feel the opposite. As long as it’s cute and funny (bonus points for some semblance of character development) I don’t really care what the subject is. My favorite 4-koma is ご注文はうさぎですか and I don’t care at all about rabbits or cafes. I’ve read ones about drawing comics, rock bands, divination, building rockets, and so on. I don’t particularly care about any of those specific topics, but I still enjoyed them for the comedy and characters.


I’ve never seen such a poll, feel free to post one or link me to an existing one so that I can nick it!

I should note I specifically mean in Japanese because I think for reasons I’ve mentioned before 4koma are a lot wordier than regular manga and often have a heavier reliance on puns or wordplay. So for me as a new learner the effort to return ratio gets thrown out of whack.

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Yeah, that’s totally fair at beginner or lower intermediate level. I started ご注文はうさぎですか when I was a beginner because I absolutely love the series (watched the anime first) so I pushed through all that pain. But I did have to get to intermediate level before it became more enjoyable.

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I think also for topic manga there’s a certain amount of vocab (and even just familiarity) you need to get to smoothen the reading experience. I’m reading ふつうの軽音部 right now which is a Natively 22 (only one rating though) but I think it’s probably a little more difficult than that almost purely because they namedrop actual bands, songs and artists and expect you to know who they are.