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藤川 紡
末延 唯月
万里小路 旭
蜂須賀 初野
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I added a quick character list, not sure if it needs anything else. Just typing those kanji was frustrating, my IME couldn’t autocomplete some of those names. Good practice I suppose…
Now that I refreshed myself on the character names, I’ll add an addendum to my comment last week about the names being relatively easy for the main characters. I think the first names are all easy to remember since they all follow common readings. For 蜂須賀 I always forget whether or not to rendaku the last mora. And 万里小路 is the bane of my existence.
The Android IME gets it right too, weird. Either Mozc isn’t as smart or I didn’t spell it right. Fortunately the kanji are common enough that it was straightforward to spell with the individual characters.
蜂須賀 is a cute name tho, and relatively straightforward.
@Boodil you are not reading this one I think? They totally stole the idea from ISLAND that the main character arrives in a different time period, a policeman wants to arrest them due to a very inappropriate dress code, but a rich girl just comes and says that it’s fine, it’s her servant
Tsugumu, comrade, don’t let that nepobaby talk you down. Find a way to leave the country for Russia and seize the means of production! It’ll be fun, you’ll see!