紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 👘 (IMC) - Week 5

紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 1
Intermediate Manga Club
Home Thread


Week 5 July 6th, 2024
Chapter 6 + 7
Start page 57
End page 76
Previous week week 4
Next week week 6


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Picture Name
200x198 藤川(ふじかわ) (つむぐ)
200x219 末延(すえのぶ) 唯月(いつき)
200x217 万里小路(までのこうじ) (あさひ)
200x322 蜂須賀(はちすか) 初野(はつの)
賀川(よしかわ) 七緒(ななお)
(ネコ) 五白(ごはく)

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More archaic Japanese spelling right out the gate: ゐる (wiru) is simply 居る I believe. No idea about those weird せう/さう forms however.

しゅわっ comes up a couple of times in this chapter and I couldn’t find it I’m my dictionary, it’s this: しゅわっとは?意味と使い方・用例 【オノマトペ辞典】

Chapter 6 is delightful, my favorite so far. Now that the relationships are established we can see how they play out.

Also very happy if they start calling themselves by their first names. No more 万里小路…


That’s a bit messed up for Itsuki to be smiling in the corner while Tsumugu is forced to clean her mess, no?

I don’t really get the dynamic here. The rest of the chapter was so nice and positive, that’s a weird conclusion.

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ゐる is いる as you said. The others are the same as what I mentioned last week with おじょうさま being written as おぢゃうさま.

でせうか = でしょうか
張り裂けさう = 張り裂けそう
思ふ = 思う

This is explained in the Wikipedia page I sent last week.

Plus a bonus older adjective inflection with き, though this is fairly well known I think.
か弱き = か弱い

By the way, Google is stalking me from last week when I went looking for that Wikipedia page to confirm what I thought was true, because now I’m getting this YouTube recommendation. I haven’t watched it yet, so I can’t vouch for its usefulness, but I’ll link it regardless.


My impression here is that Itsuki here is smiling there (not only?) because Tsumugu is getting to pay for her sins, but if you notice she’s also blushing slightly and holding her hand. It seems to me that she’s actually embarrassed-but-happy that Tsumugu called her family while holding her hand in the previous pages.

It also seems that Itsuki is the type of person to do things for her own amusement. She’s not ill-spirited or anything (she seems to care about Tsumugu after all), and doing some extra cleaning is not going to kill her or anything.

There’s also the fact that it seems that Itsuki is not allowed into the kitchen (for some reason I might have missed…) At the start of the chapter she mentions:


And then after she makes the food for Tsumugu back at her home she asks her to keep it a secret:


So maybe she can’t openly say she made the mess in the kitchen after all.


Ah I considered that it might have been volitional but that felt like a stretch.

Indeed, that’s pretty common yakuwarigo.

chapter 7

I think it’s just that there’s no reason for a noble child like her to be in the kitchen: she has servants to deal with the cooking, she’ll get in the way and it may even be dangerous.

I agree with the rest of your comment but it still feels weird to me that she would let Tsumugu get reprimanded like this and just ignore it. Even if she didn’t directly take responsibility for it she could have made up some excuse and ask Nanao to go easy on her or whatever.