紛れる meanings on WaniKani

WaniKani lists the meanings for 紛れる as “to be diverted” and “to be distracted”. Are these definitions accurate? I wanted to double check before emailing them.

On jisho I find:

  1. to disappear into; to be lost in; to slip into; to get mixed in among​
  2. to do something under the cover of (confusion, etc.)
  3. to be almost indistinguishable; to be confusingly similar​
  4. to be diverted from (negative emotions, etc.); to forget about​
  5. to be distracted by; to be too absorbed in

I guess the WaniKani meanings sort of line up with definition #5? And I guess that meaning lines up with this definition from Goo?


Even if the definition WaniKani gives is sort of right (still looking for confirmation on that), I feel like it’s still ambiguous. Does anyone have a better definition that I can suggest to them via email? Also, for those who have used the word or heard it used in real life, can you speak to which of the definitions are commonly used?

I’m not really seeing the issue. Yes, the jisho definitions also include prepositions, but does it really change much? It’s definitions 4 and 5.

The thing most people complain about is that the example sentence uses Jisho meaning #1, but WK doesn’t list it as a synonym.

Yeah, they are close. To be honest, I had written most of the post before realizing those definitions were there, but I decided to post it anyway just in case. I’m still curious about which definitions are more commonly used.

I’ve given up on that since it happens so often…

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Too much time on the forums… for a second, I read that as “to be durtverted”


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